Chapter 27; The Shakes of Anger

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Jason’s p.o.v

I awoke covered in sweat. My heart was beating extremely fast, and I could barely breathe. I got out of bed and walked downstairs. I got myself a glass of water and sat at the kitchen counter. All I did was think of her, all my dreams, thoughts, and everything were about her.

Why? Why couldn’t I just forget her? She forgot me. She left me like I was nothing and I hated her because of that. She wasn’t here, and she didn’t care.

I heard a noise coming from inside the house. I got up and grabbed my gun from the drawer. I walked to the source of noise with my gun in hand. My body was moving faster than my mind.

“Shit” I heard someone speak harshly. I turned the corner and saw her lying on the ground.

“Hey,” She said looking up at me. I could tell she was shocked and scared.

“What the fuck?” I snarled. “How did you get in here?” I asked pointing the gun away from her.

“I knocked, but you didn’t answer. I saw the window open and climbed in. I’ll clean up the mess.” She said standing up. She had knocked over a small book shelf.

“I’m sorry,” She mumbled as she started to clean it up. I watched as she slowly moved and placed things were they originally were. Her hands were shaking.

“I um, I…” she was stammering for words.

“What?” I asked getting pissed off. A part of me loved her and was shocked that she had come here, but the other part of me just wanted to punch her in the face.

“I…” She was trying to catch her breath, sat down on the couch and tried to calm herself down. She clenched her chest in pain. I felt bad, but she put this on herself. I watched her intensely while waiting for her to speak. I could feel my body grow hot.

“Take a deep breath” I said with a sigh. I shouldn’t be helping her, in fact, I should throw her out of my house. I just couldn’t.

“I’m….trying.” She said in between breaths. After a few moments she calmed down.

“Can I have some water?” She asked looking in my direction.

“No,” I spoke harshly. “You should leave.” I said crossing my arms.

“Jason, I’m sorry” She said standing to her feet. I could tell by the look on her face she was in pain.

“I don’t care” I said harshly.

“I know you don’t want me here, and I understand.” She looked at her hands. “Please, just let me talk?” She begged.

“No, get out.” I said looking away from her. If our eyes made contact I would break. I couldn’t stand looking at her.

“Okay, I won’t bother you if you don’t want me too.” She took a sharp breath. “Just remember, I forgave you. I know that was a different time and a very different situation. But I still listened to you and I forgave you.” She spoke softly.

“That was totally different and you know it.” I screamed in anger before looking at her. She jumped in fear, her whole body was now shaking.

“I suppose you are right.” She sighed, trying to hold her small body in place. I don’t think I have ever seen her so…messy. She was normally the one to hold everything in, like she had it all together, but I guess we all break.

“I thought you were dead. Everyone told me you were dead.” She breathed as she let the tears fall from her face.

“Oh fuck you” I spat. I was pissed that she would even bring that up. “I never want to see your ugly ass face again. Get out, or else.” I threatened. I knew what words would hurt her the most.

“Okay,” She spoke softly through the tears. “I’ll leave” She said and walked towards the front door.

“I promise you will never have to see my ugly ass face again” She said before shutting the door. I watched as she walked slowly to her car and speed off. I could tell she was hurt…it was obvious. I hated myself because of it.

(I know this is short, but it was meant to be. I don't want to move to fast, because this is so touchy. I have some ideas and plans, I just wanted to really hear your thoughts on what you think should happen next. Please comment and vote! I will try to update again. I am really on a writing spree with this story. I have so many thoughts! Please let me know what you think. Love you! xoxo)

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