Chapter 16; Amends

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Miley’s p.o.v

I gathered up the courage to face my crew, my old team. Seeing my father threw me over the edge…that made things more real and believable for everyone.

“I should have told you about your father being here.” Jason sighed. D had left us alone after we talked over everything.

“It made everything more believable.” I laughed lightly. “It’s no big deal.” I said grabbing his hand.

“Do you really think he was behind it all?” He asked looking at me.

“It looks like it, he will never admit it so we will never know the whole truth.” I rolled my eyes.

“I missed you.” He said lifting me head up. “I really did.” He said looking deep into my eyes.

“I missed you more.” I said placing my head on his shoulders. “If you knew where I was, why didn’t you come get me?”

“I knew you needed your time alone. I also couldn’t just disappear without anyone suspecting things.”

“Hm.” I teased.

“Trust me when I say, I wanted to.” He sighed. I could tell everything going on was weighing on him.

“I think we need to keep some distance between us. Right now, I need to figure something’s out. We also need to make all of this believable.” I suggested.

“If that is what you think is best. I only want to make you happy.” He smiled, standing to his feet.

“I love you,” He said helping me to mine.

“I love you.” I replied. He pecked my lips before walking out of the room.

I gathered my thoughts and feelings and pushed them to the side. I was practically battling with myself to make sure that Jason’s secret didn’t get out. It was becoming harder to act normal around him. I walked back to my old room and sat on the bed. I was upset and shocked at myself.

What had I become? Somewhere along the way, I lost myself and all that I thought I had become. I was here, again. I had Jason, but I didn’t. I had an image of who Jason was now. And who was I? I honestly had no clue who I was or what I had become.

I put my things away and walked down stairs.

“Miley,” Dylan said standing to his feet once he saw me. “Can we talk?” He asked walking towards me.

“Sure” I breathed. I followed him out the backdoor and waited for him to start talking. Something was on his mind, I could tell it was bothering him.

“Well, it’s good to see you again.” He started as we walked farther away from the house.

“Yeah,” I sighed.

“I’m not an idiot, Miley. None of us in there our idiots. Something is going on between you, D, and I am starting to think Justin as well.” He breathed stopping dead in his tracks. “I am not going to push you to say anything, but no matter what is going on…if you want out or need anything, Aussie and I are both on your side. We aren’t here for D, your father, or even Justin. We are here for you.” He reassured me. I nodded and started walking.

“I appreciate that. I trust Aussie and you. I know you guys are there for me. And, I may need your help in the near future. I don’t really know much of what is going on. Justin and D filled me in on everything that has happened…but that isn’t what I mean.” I sighed. He kept up the pace next to me.

“Aussie is over here” He said gesturing ahead.

“Miley,” Aussie waved running towards me.

“D said you were back.” He smiled. I jumped up into his arms and he laughed at me. He hugged me tightly before setting me back down on the ground.

“We need to talk” He said looking at Dylan and then me.

“Okay, let’s talk.” I said sitting down on the small bench that faced the woods.

“Obviously, you aren’t going to spill everything to us.” Aussie chuckled sitting down next to me. Dylan sat stood in front of us facing the house.

“Something’s I just can’t say.”

“Why did you leave so willingly?” He asked lowly.

“I really had no choice.” I sighed. “I had to do what D thought was fair. I didn’t want to argue or fight with him about anything. I had to keep the peace.” I shrugged.

“Well, your father is up to something. I don’t think anyone, but us, suspects it. He and Justin are all buddy-buddy. But, your father isn’t clean. He is being targeted but there is something else. He is up to something, planning something…trying to save himself.” He sighed in frustration.

“I agree with Aussie.” Dylan nodded. “We got company” Dylan said looking at someone behind me.

“We can discuss this later. I will stay low and try getting closer with my father. You guys keep doing what you’re doing.” I said in a low whisper.

“You got it.” Aussie nodded.

“What are you guys up too?” Justin voice boomed behind me.

“Just catching up with an old friend” Aussie said standing to his feet, he faced Justin.

“Well, dinner will be done soon.”

“Great,” I said standing to my feet. I walked past Justin and headed inside the house. I was going to ignore him for the time being. My feelings towards him were too messy. I needed to block both Justin and Jason out. I needed to get to the bottom of what was going on around me.

Walking back into the house, I immediately noticed my father sitting on the couch. I knew that I needed to talk to him, I needed to somehow make amends so I could get closer to him. But, I didn’t want to be too fishy about this situation. I went upstairs and changed into workout clothes then went down stairs to work out in the basement.

I started punching the bag the hung in the middle of the room. I was pissed and angry at everyone and everything. My mind had complicated everything that had happened over the past few years. I hated these unwanted feelings. I wanted all of this to disappear and go away…but that wasn’t going to happen.

“You seemed to always enjoy punching things when you were angry.” I turned around to see my father standing there with a smirk on his face.

“How about we settle the issues between us, once and for all?” He asked walking towards me. “I know you blame me for most everything that has happened…and I am sorry. I want to leave that all in the past, I would like to have a good relationship with you. I don’t know how much longer I have left.” He pressed. He was trying to make me pity him.

“Now you want to have a reasonable relationship with me?” I laughed.

“Yes, and I hope it’s not too late”

“You have to promise me that there will be no lies, no secrets.”

“I promise, I just want a healthy relationship with my daughter.”

“Okay,” I nodded. 

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