Chapter 21; The Empire

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Miley’s p.o.v

Dexter had given me clear instructions on where to go and what to do. I was confused at why I was even in this place again. But, I had to finish this. Or at least that is what I kept telling myself. I was barely hanging on by a tread and my feelings were mixing in with the issues that had to be dealt with.

“You must be my meeting.” A man said sitting down next to me at the bar. I looked at my glass and up at the bartender who was focused on polishing the glasses and anything else he could find to make time go by.

“I guess so” I said looking back down at the glass in front of me.

“Well here is the information that was requested.” He said placing the envelope in my lap. “If you need anything else, just notify me.” He drank the rest of his drink and left a $20 on the counter before walking away.

I sat there for a few moments trying to catch my breath. I could barely breathe anymore, the oxygen wouldn’t get to me the way I needed it too. I slowly stood up and gathered my things. I left a $20 and walked away. Once I got back to the safe house I walked towards the office and found Dexter sitting around talking.

“How did it go?” Dexter asked once he had noticed my presences.

“Smooth,” I said grabbing the envelope from my bag. “Here.” I said handing Dexter the envelope. He slowly opened it and read it to himself.

“Well, I think this information can help us end this whole thing. I have a few more people to contact. Then I need to do some damage control. I will have you meet a few of my contacts and get them on board to stand with us. Hopefully we can have this wrapped up shortly.” He nodded looking up at me.

“Okay,” I nodded. “Well, I am going to work out. If you need me I will be in the gym.” I said before walking out of the room. I wanted to clear my head before the madness started. Even though, I knew I wouldn’t truly be able to focus on working out.

Justin’s p.o.v

I didn’t know what was going on, it felt like I was going through with the motions and I wasn’t feeling anything, mostly because I didn’t want to feel. I was mad and angry at what Miley had done to me and I hated her for this. She was the one to blame here, and I hated that she fucked me over. I couldn’t understand how I could hate her, yet still have feelings and hurt over the fact that she ins’t here. I needed to get over her, I needed to move past her and focus on myself. Maybe she had her reasons for leaving, and that’s fine…I just wasn’t happy, in fact I was hurt and I don’t think I can move past this. I gathered my things and got into my car. I was done and this time I wasn’t going to return. I hated myself, and I hated her more.

Miley’s p.o.v

I felt sick to my stomach, pushing though this was way harder than I thought it was going to be. I was mad and I wanted to just leave, but I also wanted this to end. I wanted to be free. It was sad because at this point I didn’t know what being free meant anymore.

“Miley?” Dexter said knocking on my door. I got up and walked to the door. I breathed in and out before opening the door.

“Yeah?” I asked opening the door. I was good at holding myself together in front of other people, when I was alone I fell apart.

“We all need to meet down stairs to talk about the next move.” He said before walking away. I nodded and threw on a hoodie before walking down stairs.

“Hey guys” I said walking into the living room.

Dylan and Aussie were sitting at the couch just talking. A few other guys were standing around looking at me. I didn’t really know them and I didn’t really want to get to know them. They were Dexter’s people and that was fine by me, I just didn’t want anything to do with them.

“Hey guys” Dexter said walking into the living room.

“We have a few things that we need to discuss before we go about things.” He started. “I want to get a few things in order before this next week starts. Throughout the rest of the week I want to make sure I have some more recruits to backup this information. If we have the right people on our side then we can end this once and for all.”

“I’m still not even sure what we are ending.” Aussie spoke up. “I know there have been a lot of threats made, people killing off people. Gangs be pushed to the end. I just don’t see how you are going to end this.”

“It’s more than a threat now. There seems to be so much more involved that we need to team up and show theses people who think they can control us that, that isn’t going to happen. That we aren’t going to listen to them.” Dexter explained.

“I think this whole thing is a little confusing…” Dylan wandered. “I sort of get the point that we are doing this to end the war that seemed to be created to divided use up. I just don’t understand the root of this, and I also don’t understand how we are going to stop this.” He spoke. I understood where he was coming from.

“I agree, the root of this came from someone on the inside who wanted to basically separate the good from the bad and get rid of any threats in order to create one big gang. I understand that it sounds odd and confusing but the root of it was someone who was in power and basically wanted to ‘big brother’ the world with undercover gangs that all worked together.” Dexter explained. “Does that make sense?” He asked looking at Dylan and then looking around the rest of the room.

“Yeah, it sounds pathetic.” Dylan laughed and Aussie joined.

“How are we going to get the message across and stop this?” I asked raising my voice. Everyone looked at me and then back at Dexter.

“Well, I have a plan.” He cleared his throat and looked around the room.

“In order to get this to end we need to all team up against them and show them that we have enough people to call them out and over throw them. It will be challenging because we will have to work with gangs. And, in a way working together is what they want. So, they will think that we are on their side when we aren’t. I know it sounds confusing but I will break this down in a way that you will understand.” He said standing to his feet.

I sort of understood where he was going with this and I think that this will be the only way to truly end this. I just hope we can get the right people in order to make this work.

(I am soooooo sorry it has taken me this long to update. I am sure you guys think I am a terrible person and I am sooo sorry! I want you guys to know that I have some more ideas for this on the look out for some more drama. I want this story to make sense, so if you have any questions, comments, or concerns; comment below or message me! Also, I want you guys to know that one of the resons I wasn't updating that much was because I had some computer issues and also some writers block! I will try and update more often...but please know that I just started up school again and my course load is a little touch this semester... Like I said, I am so sorry! and I am sorry that this note is so long! haha. If you have any questions or want to talk comment! I want to be more interactive with you guys! Please comment and vote! xoxo) 

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