Chapter 24; Stand

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Miley’s p.o.v

As the train pulled to a complete stop, I gathered my things and got off. I walked to the front of the train station and waited. I didn’t know who I was waiting for so I sat down at the bench and pulled out my book. A few moments later Dalton sat next to me.

“We will get on the bus and ride it to the last stop. Keep your distance.” He spoke sharply. I nodded and continued reading.

After a few minutes the bus pulled up. I got on at one entrance, and Dalton got on another. We sat at opposites ends of the bus and waited.

The bus seemed to drive for hours, and hours. I just wanted to get off already. I could feel my stress level rising as the minutes lagged.

I tried not to look around, I was becoming extremely paranoid. I was breaking down, and it felt like this time I wouldn’t be able to control it. I was slowly loosing myself. God only knew how long I would be able to continue to hold everything together before I really break.

“Last stop.” The bus driver spoke before pulling to a complete stop. I grabbed my bag and book before getting off with the small crowd of people that remained. I didn’t know where I was going so I just walked in the opposite direction of everyone else.

 I looked up and saw the diner sitting there, it seemed like nothing had changed. I walked over to it and walked inside. There were only a few people inside. I sat down in the corner booth and looked over the menu. Nothing had changed, not even the menus.

“What can I get you, sweet pea?” An older woman asked standing by my table.

“I’ll take the house burger, fries and a coke, please.” I smiled handing her the menu.

“Alright, coming right up.” She smiled before walking away.

“Looks like you figured out where you were supposed meet.” Dalton smiled before sitting across from me. “I had to make sure the coast was clear before coming in.” He cleared his throat.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Dalton.” The waitress said placing her hand on her hip.

“Mrs. Dee” He smiled looking up at her.

“Why are you bothering this poor girl?” She asked placing my coke down in front of me.

“Well, this is actually an old friend of mine.” He smiled.

“Oh really?” She asked him. He just smiled up at her. “Is this true? If he is bothering you I can kick him out.” She said looking at me.

“It’s true, we go way back.” I smiled nodding my head.

“Hmm, okay.” She said looking back at Dalton. “Want anything to eat?” She asked him.

“I’ll just have whatever she is having” He beamed. She nodded at him before walking away.

“So, we will eat here and then head out.” He said looking out the window.

I kept to myself and looked around the almost empty diner. I was at a loss for words, I had nothing to say. I felt numb to everything around me, and my body was starting shutting down.

“Are you alright? You barely ate?” Dalton asked grabbing my attention.

“I’m okay,” I nodded.

“You don’t look okay.” He said with an odd expression.

“I’m just drained.” I sighed.

“Are you sure that’s it?” He asked raising his eyebrows.

“I don’t know” I shook my head.

“I am trying to hold on and to push through this…I just don’t know how long I am going to be able to keep this up.” I said looking out the window. “I don’t want to let go, but emotionally, mentally and physically…I can’t do this anymore.” I admitted out loud.

“I can understand.” He sighed.

“Just try to get through the next few days. Things will get better.” He spoke. I knew he couldn’t promise me that, in fact, I don’t think he really understood what I was going through.

“Are you ready?” He asked standing up. I nodded and placed $50 on the table before walking away. I wanted to make sure the waitress had a nice tip, I was feeling generous.

I followed Dalton outside and we got into a car. After a few minutes of driving we pulled into a small driveway. A few men were standing on the porch of the house watching us intensely.

“Let me do the talking” Dalton said before clearing his throat. I nodded and got out of the car following closely behind him. 

“Guys,” He nodded as we stepped onto the porch.

“Dalton” A man spoke up. “We don’t want a war.” He started clearing his throat.

“Neither do we, but we don’t want to die either.” Dalton spoke.

“Who is this?” He asked pointing to me. I wanted to keep my mouth shut, but in my current situation, that wasn’t going to happen.

“My name is Miley. I grew up here on the streets like Dalton.” I spoke. Dalton didn’t look happy that I spoke up, but I didn’t care.

“I know you guys don’t want a war, I don’t either. I also don’t want to die playing a game with people whom are hiding behind a closed curtain, because they are too scared to show their faces. I am done being a chest piece. I believe if we step out against them they will realize we aren’t playing there pathetic game.” I said stepping out from behind Dalton.

“Maybe I will die, but at least I will make a powerful move and show these bastards that I am done playing. I don’t give a shit if you join me or not. I am here because Dexter and Dalton think we can reason with you.” I rolled my eyes.

“It’s not about reasoning anymore. I am not going to beg you to join me. I don’t have time to waist, and I am not in the mood to play any games.” I spoke looking at all five of the men that were now standing on the porch.

“I am tired of sitting around and doing nothing. I am ready to take a stand and make a move. Either you join me or you don’t.” I breathed. “I can’t promise you will live, but I can promise that we will make a statement.” I said walking back to the car.

“Wait,” One of them spoke. “I can tell you are passionate about what you are standing for, and I want to stand with you. I am tired of them thinking they control us.” He spoke harshly. “I have lost too many friends to them thinking they can control us.” I could sense the anger he had.

“I will stand with you.” He spoke sharply.

(Miley is having a hard time...hope you are all enjoying my story thus far. Comment and Vote, xoxo) 

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