Chapter 4; Think

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Jason’s p.o.v

As Miley drove off I felt something inside me shift. I brushed it off and walked towards Manny’s car. He got behind the wheel and drove off. I didn’t say a word, and neither did he. Once we got back to the house I walked inside and ignored the stares of the men around the room.

“What happened?” Dylan asked once Manny walked into the house.

“Nothing” I spat walking out back, I lit up a joint and sat there. I didn’t want to think.

“Jason” I heard Ryan as he sat down in the chair next to mine.

“Ryan” I said looking out at the view.

“What happened out there?” He asked leaning forward.

“I’m sure Manny already told you”

“He did, but I am not talking about that and you know it. What happened between you and Miley?” He pressed.

“Are you my fucking psychiatrist or something? I don’t need to talk about how I am feeling right now. Leave me the fuck alone!” I spat standing to my feet. I walked out into the yard and looked around. I was pissed at Ryan, and I didn’t need him questioning me. I needed to forget…about everything.

I needed to clear my head and get away. My mind wouldn’t let me rest; I couldn’t contain the feelings that filled me. I threw my arm back and swung it forward. It made contact with a tree making it shake. After a moment, stinging pain jolted through my body making me scream. I looked down at my hand and noticed that is was swollen and bruised. I turned around and walked back into the house and up to the bedroom Manny was letting me stay in.

I laid down in bed and let my mind run with thoughts and feelings. I didn’t want this to happen, I didn’t want these feeling and thoughts in my mind but they didn’t leave. Memories of Miley took over me. I wasn’t using her, I did trust her. But when Marcus showed up…I started to doubt. Aussie was unsure about the situation and that added fuel.


I walked into the cafeteria looking for Miley. She had only walked in here a few minutes ago. I looked around and saw that she wasn’t here. I walked out into the hallway where the lockers filled the halls. I walked a few steps and saw her shadow. I ducked down and saw that she was standing at her locker. It looked as if she was searching for something inside. I guess she found what she was looking for.

She shut the locker and walked out the front entrance of the school. I made sure that she was gone before walking over to her locker. I searched it looking for anything. I noticed a picture of her and mother grabbing it. I looked some more and found nothing. This was stupid.

I was over reacting. She wasn’t hiding anything from me…she wasn’t lying and I had no reason to doubt her. I slipped the picture into my pocket and walked towards the front door. I tried to open them and noticed something wasn’t right. They were locked. I looked out the window and saw Marcus standing there, with a smirk on his face. He waved and let out a chuckle before walking away. I turned around and heard a beeping sound.

It was a trap. Marcus set me up.

Within the next few seconds a bomb erupted blowing up the school, it took a second for the explosion to reach my side of the hallway and then I blacked out.

When I woke up I was sitting in Manny’s house with Max and Aussie standing in front of me. They made up this plan to make sure Miley was on our side. They told me I needed to stay away from her. I didn’t want to, and I had no reason to doubt her but, we needed to make sure. Manny didn’t seem happy about the situation but he went along with it. I heard that she was pregnant and had lost the baby because of the meds that she was taking due to her coma. I wanted to see her, I needed to see her but they made me stay away. At the time I hated it, I nearly beat Manny to a pulp, destroying his house in the process. Miley meant more to me then they can even understand, she still does.

Sitting forward I reached for my phone. I needed to hear her voice. I needed to tell her what happened. I knew she was too stubborn to answer. She was never going to talk to me…the bridge was now burnt. I knew that was my fault, maybe this could keep us safe, all of us.

“Jason” Manny said shaking me awake. “I need you to come downstairs,” His voice threw me off, it didn’t seem happy nor upset. It seemed unsure.

Without question I walked downstairs only wearing a pair of sweatpants. I was still out of it from last night.

Entering the living room I saw Miley standing there whispering into some man’s ear. This didn’t look good.

“Looks like you are all here” She said looking around the room. Dylan looked over at me with a concerning look.

“What is this about?” I barked.

“I have the floor, Jason.” Miley barked back at me. She was wearing the same outfit as last night. She looked hot standing in front of me with her arms crossed. She thought she was in charge. I chuckled at her come back and looked away.

“Although you can’t seem to trust me, I trust these guys behind me and they trust me. They earned it a long time ago. When they heard I was moving to the Port area that reached out to me. They gave me an opportunity to lead my own gang in their turf. At the time I couldn’t accept because of my age. They told me that they would wait for me. During that time, someone had to claim leadership of the crew. I called in an old friend of mine, Winnie. We were never in the same gang before but he was a good source that I could trust. He took leadership while I continued out life here.” She started looking at her father.

“I want you all to know, that I was never going to work for your gang. It was a thought but I trust these guys more, they are practically blood. When I reached out to them last night they gave me more information about what really happened at graduation.” She looked at me. “If trust is something that is earned, I think you all have granted your trust to the wrong people”

“Micah has been working on the inside with some of your guys down at the docks. He has also been working with a gang from New Jersey that want your territory, they all want it. Winnie, is the one who saw them working together. He even has proof.”

“I requested them check in with me every once in a while to make sure that I was alive, but that they keep their distance since this is still your territory. That’s when they saw Micah working with you docks. He is also working with Derek’s crew. Turns out it was all a setup, his crew was never in the warehouse when the bomb went off, they are still alive. When I found this out I knew you all deserved to know. It seems crazy that this would be true but we have proof” She said grabbing an envelope from, I’m guessing, Winnie.

“Then who blew up the school?” I asked curious as to what she would say.

“Micah and Derek’s crew. Along with some of your shipment people.” She said handing me the thick envelop with pictures of the proof.

“Why? Why did you come back and tell us?” I asked still a little confused.

“Because, nobody should get away with what has happened over the past few months. You all work hard for your territory…you don’t deserve to lose it over a stupid trust issue.” She said with a laugh.

Miley then walked to the door with the three men following behind her.

“Wait, we don’t know what is going on. We need some alliances.” Aussie said looking over at me.

“He is right,” I interject, “If we teamed up, your territories and ours…we could form a strong bound.” I said looking over at Manny.

“Ha, I can’t work with people I don’t trust” Miley said opening the door.

“Think about it, you know we would be bullet proof.” I said walking towards her. She looked over at her men and then continued walking with them following behind.

Watching her drive away from me again was harder than the first. Within less than 24-hours I have seemed to have lost her twice. 

(Thoughts? Am I moving to fast? I think this pace fits with this type of story. This was a longer are all awesome readers and deserved it. I enjoy reading your comments, I will update soon. My finals are all on Monday so I might be busy with studying and such. Also, I am interested in reading some Jiley stories. Comment some below and I may or may not check them out...I am really picky tho lol. Comment and vote! xoxo!)

btw, I am a big fan of cliff hangers so look out ;)

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