Chapter 9; Birthing

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Song for this chapter: ‘Till I Die’ by Chris Brown

Walking into the warehouse I saw some men standing around the room watching me and the guys following behind me. I paid them no mind and kept my thoughts clear of distractions.

“So, what can I do for you?” Paul asked placing his palms flat on the granite counter top in the middle of the empty ware house.

“That question should be phrased the other way around.” I voiced.

“It speaks” he laughed, a few of his men joined in with his laugh. “Everyone says you stay silent and lurk in the shadows” He spoke while laughing.

“I thought it was time to break that silence.” I said now standing directly in front of him.

“Well, this has been a great conversation but how about we get down to business” I said smirking to myself.

“What do you have for me?” He asked, the smile leaving his face.

Grabbing the duffel bag from one of boys behind me I placed it on the counter top.  Unzipping it, I showed him what was inside.

“I’m impressed…but how do I know that this works.” He asked raising his eyebrow.

“That is why you are going to have to trust me with this one.” I said with a smile. “I have plenty more where this came from.”

“Well, I don’t just work with anyone.” He said looking at me.

“You checked my references, I am bullet proof with these machines. I only make and sell the best of the best.”

“I am going to go out on a limb here, you come with good recommendations…so I trust you. If something goes bad…” He said shaking his head.

“Nothing will go bad” I countered, nodding my head.

“Alright. Here is the money that was promised, we will be in touch” He said opening up a brief case full of money. He showed me all that was inside and then gave it to me.

“Nice doing business with you” I nodded before walking out of the warehouse.

“That went smother than I thought it would.” I said starting up the engine.

“Hopefully your name will be known after this” Troy said and I nodded. “Do you know what he was planning to do with it?” He asked.

“I don’t know…but I know he is clean business, John said he was clean.” I said looking out the window.

Grabbing my phone off the kitchen table I answered it.

“John” I said into the phone.

“He called, he said he loved the product. He said he mentioned your name to an old friend of his. He has a whole crew interested.”

“I knew he would want more” I smirked to myself.

“He is setting a meeting up with him and his friends. The only thing is that we have to fly to them.”

“No. If he wants our business he comes to us, on our turf.”

“I would normally agree but he is willing to buy 5 sets.”

“What” I nearly choked on the water I was drinking.

“Yeah that’s what I said.” He laughed.

“Where does he want us to meet him?”

“The Ports down east.”


“This weekend”

“Set it up” I said before hanging up.

“That didn’t sound so great.” Troy said walking into the kitchen.

“We are going to the Ports. We have a meet up with Paul and some of his friends. We might be selling 5 sets down there.”

“5 Sets” He said stopping in his tracks.


“Well, I will tell Cameron to get everything together for us.”

“We will head out in two hours.” I said before walking up the stairs.

Grabbing a few things I packed up and called the rest of the guys to make sure we had things covered.

“Are we ready?” I asked walking back downstairs.

“Yes” Troy said standing in the doorway. “The cars are packed.”

“Let’s go” I said walking out the door. We had a long drive ahead of us.

“Is this where they want to meet?” Troy asked as we walked up to the house.

“It’s the address John sent me” I said walking up the steps that lead to the door.

“Glad you could make it” Paul said. “Your product, is, surprisingly as good as you said it would be.”

“I make the best” I said with a chuckle.

“This gang could use guys like you.” He smirked. “Seems you have made a pretty good name for yourself.”

“Sometimes you have to do, what you got to do.” I said following him inside the house.

“Justin this is D” Paul said gesturing to D.

“Hey man, nice to meet you” He said placing his hand out for me to shake.

“Hey” I said shaking his hand.

“These are my guys; Dylan, Aussie, Winnie, Eric, and Bear” He said pointing to each of them.

“These are my guys; Troy, Liam, Mal, and Dave” I said pointing to each of them.

“Have a seat and make yourself comfortable.” He said gesturing for us to sit down.

“Sorry that took so long, what did I miss?” Someone spoke up behind me.

“Miley this is Justin and his crew” D said gesturing to us. I turned around to face her. Her face dropped when she saw me.

“Hi” She smiled. She walked over to the couch D was sitting on and sat down next to him. “What do you have for us?” She asked leaning forward. Her facial expression was too difficult to read so I looked back at D who seemed interested in what I was bringing to the table.

“These bombs are my top products and I only make the best of the best.” said looking over at John.

“Well, I want to buy 2 more. I am very satisfied with them, they work so well.” John said grabbing a suit case.

“Troy grab the sets” I said.

“How many are you willing to buy?” I asked looking at D.

“Well, Miley what do you think?” D asked looking at Miley.

“We normally don’t just buy from anyone even if John says the product is good. We have some other people we are looking into buying from as well so we need to consider our options. We will talk it over and let you know.” She said with a rejected smile. I knew what that look meant.

“I guess you are the head in this operation” I chuckled.

“Yeah I am” She said standing to her feet.

“That’s nice” I said with a laugh.

“Tell me about it. Like I said we will be in touch” She smiled walking to the door and opened it.

“Sure thing shorty” I chuckled before walking out of the house with my guys following behind me.

“See you around Ja-Justin” Miley said before shutting the door.

I got into my car and drove off before letting my thoughts soak in.

Thoughts? Miley's p.o.v will be all of next chapter. Comment and Vote!! xoxo

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