Chapter 2; Something wasn't right

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I was surprised by what my father had told me. I would have never expected any of that from my father. He was always such a reserved person and he never really talked to me about much, even when I was little. This is all still so hard for me to understand.

Dylan told me that they found out that I was pregnant about two months ago, but by then it was too late for the doctors to do anything since I was in a coma. The medication was to strong and it was too late.

“Hey Miley” Aussie said as I entered the living room. My father was sitting on the couch with a laptop sitting in front of him on the coffee table. He didn’t look really happy. I have been living with these three men for the past week now. It has been strange to see my father in his natural habitat.

“Hey” I said taking a seat on the couch across from them.

“Look who I found” Dylan said walking into the living room. Ryan followed closely behind him.

“Hey guys” He said. Looking at my father and Aussie. “Miley” He nodded looking over at me. I could tell by the way he looked at me something was not right.

He sat down in the chair next to the couch I was sitting on. He avoided eye-contact with me the whole time. Something wasn’t right. I sat there uncomfortably and looked around the room. I zoned out of what was being talked about. My heart ached and felt heavy, all I could do is think about Jason. Something wasn’t right, my mind kept racing. I could think straight.

I got up and walked downstairs to the basement. I needed to get away from everything around me. There was a gym down there that Dylan helped train me in. They wanted me to get back into shape so I could defend myself. I put on some boxing gloves and started punching the bag. I had so much anger within me, it helped to take it out on something.

“Miley” Ryan said walking into the basement. I looked over at him, his expression was strange and it threw me off.

“I think we need to talk” He said handing me a towel to wipe the sweat off my face.

“What about?” I asked.

“Come upstairs” He said walking back up the stairs. I grabbed a water from the mini fridge and followed.

“Miley, something has come to our attention and I think you should know.” My father said with a sigh. I looked over at Dylan and noticed that he also couldn’t make eye contact with me.

“What” I said. I was starting to get angry because it was obviously something big.

“We never found Jason’s body after the bomb…we assumed that he was dead and we pronounced him dead, we planted a body to make it look like his. We thought it would throw our attackers off for a little while until we were able to come up with our next move. It all happened so fast…we wanted to tell you. But we knew that they would be watching. We needed you to think that he was dead so they would see that you were mourning.” My father said looking at me.

“What they fuck?” I screamed. “Then where the fuck is he?” I asked.

“We don’t know” He said standing up. “I’m sorry Miley” He said walking towards me.

“No” I snapped. “You should have never lied to me” I spat.

“I’m sorry, we just needed them to think that it was real” He said.

“Ryan,” I turned to him, “What happened out there?” I asked.

“I honestly don’t know what to tell you” He said

“I want to know the truth”

“What if it isn’t something you would be happy to hear?”

“I need to know” I pushed.

“He thought that you were in on it…”

“What? Why would he think that?” My blood started to boil and my heart ached.

“Micah showed up on our door step before we left for graduation, he was alive. He told us this whole long story about you. He said that you both dated when you were a part of your old gang. He said you had everything to do with him getting kicked out. That you lead him on and used him. He said that you were going to try and take over Jason’s gang, and that you were targeting to take him out. Jason always thought you were hiding something from him and he didn’t know what. When Micah told him, he started to doubt you. Micah and Jason used to be close so he believed him. He didn’t go into the building to save you, he went to watch you to see what you were doing. When the bomb went off you had already left and he was still inside” He said looking over at me.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Oh my fucking god. Fuck you, fuck all of you, and you know what fuck Jason too. I’m done” I said walking upstairs. My blood was boiling and my mind was running. I needed to get out of here. I needed to do something.

I changed into a pair of spandex shorts and a regular t-shirt. I grabbed my phone and headphones. I put on my shoes and walked out the back door and started running. My mind was running and I was already over it. Why would I want to kill Jason? I don’t want his fucking crew. What was Micah after? He had to be working with my old crew. This didn’t sound right, none of it did.

I ran so much my body started to ache. I stopped and looked around. Of course, I was lost. Fuck. I was in the middle of nowhere.

“Well, well, well” I turned around to see Max standing there. Of course this would happen.

“What the fuck” I nearly screamed.

“Miley, we need to talk” He said walking closer towards me.

“Are you here alone or is Micah and the rest of your fucking gang going to pop out” I spat. The anger that had once dissolved was back.

“No, and I am not working with Micah.” He said looking around. “I kicked him out of the gang for a reason.” He said.


“I heard what happen at graduation and I want you to know, I had nothing to do with it”

“and I am supposed to believe that?”

“Yes, I only have your best interest at heart. I don’t know what all Micah has said…but none of it is true. He is the one that is working with the bad guys.”

“I don’t believe you, I don’t believe anyone.”

“I know, and you have every right to do that…but I am just trying to give you a heads up. We are on your side.”

“What do you mean ‘we’?”

“Let’s go talk to your dad about that.” He said walking the opposite way. I followed a few steps behind him.

“Miley” My father said standing on the back porch of the house.

“Father, this is Max. He just told a bunch of horse shit but if you want to hear what he has to say, go for it.” I said walking past him. I was so pissed I didn’t even care at this point.

As I passed my father, I looked up and saw Jason standing there with a joint in his hand. He was standing next to Aussie looking right at me. I paid him no mind and walked right into the house. I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room.

My mind hadn’t fully processed the fact that Jason was down stairs and alive.

Fuck, he was alive.

(things are speeding up...thoughts? comment and vote. Follow my twitter @biewbiewvirus xoxo)

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