Chapter 18; Reasoning

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Miley’s p.o.v

“Listen, only pack one bag. Only bring your important files. Leave behind pictures and your phones. We need to be untraceable…understand?” I said in a low whisper. Aussie and Dylan nodded and left the basement.

I finished my workout and walked upstairs to shower off. I ignored everyone, I couldn’t face them. My father could easily tell what I was up to. He gave me a reassuring look every time I saw him.

I had to keep my act up…I needed to make sure that my getaway was clean. I knew there would be issues, I knew that someone would fight me on tonight but I had no choice. I need to push the emotions aside and act like I had everything together.

After my shower I got dressed, making sure that my weapons where either packed or on my body. I grabbed anything that was important. I even debated taking a photo of Jason with me. I just couldn’t, it could get traced back to him and I didn’t want that to happen. I deleted everything possible off my phone and even deleted the backup information. If they tried hard enough they could get the information back, but by that point I would be long gone.

I wanted to talk to Jason, but I knew that I couldn’t face him. After tonight, I am sure that he will never want to see me again. Although, thinking about that hurts but, I have to handle this before I loss everything. I wanted so badly to explain everything to him, but I knew that he would want to protect me. He would make me stay here and he would go in my place. I was the key to this, I had to go, and I had to handle this. I know what I need to do, and I have to do it. My relationship with Jason is very important to me. Let’s face it, if I don’t handle this right now, I will never really have a true relationship with Jason.

After everything I needed was packed, I wrote a note. I left it on my bed by my phone.

“Miley,” Aussie said knocking on the door.

“Hey,” He said standing there with his bag. Dylan stood behind him.

“Come in” I said moving out of the way. They came in and placed there bags on the floor.

“We are ready.” Aussie nodded. Dylan gave me a reassuring look.

“Good. I am going to leave a note on my bed. Give me your phones so I can delete everything.” I asked.

“Even if you delete the stuff they can still restore it.” Dylan reasoned handing me his phone.

“That is very true, but that also takes a few hours to do. By that point we will be long gone.” I deleted everything off both of their phones.

“What do we do now?” Aussie asked.

“There will be a knock at the door any minute now.” I said standing to my feet. “When he gets here, just follow my lead. Don’t look anyone in the eyes and don’t say anything.” I instructed.

A few minutes later there was a knock downstairs. I started walking out of the door and down the stairs, and the guys followed behind me.

“Let’s go” I spoke once we were halfway down the stairs.

“I am looking for Miley.” I heard Dexter say.

“Miley, what’s going on?” D asked.

“Go,” I said, gesturing for Aussie and Dylan to walk outside of the house. I followed behind them.

“Where the hell are you going?” Jason said grabbing my arm. I tried to pull away but he wouldn’t let me go. “Look at me.” He begged shaking me. I couldn’t, I couldn’t look at him or any of them. I looked down at my feet waiting for him to let go. He was going to blow his own cover.

“I suggest you let her go.” Dexter said raising his voice. Dexter could be scary when he wanted to be, but I knew Jason wasn’t going to be scared of him, or anyone.

“What are you going to do about it?” He sneered. He was pissed, and he wasn’t going to let me go. I tried to wiggle, but he wasn’t letting up.

“Justin, don’t.” My father said. I looked over at him, and he nodded at me. He knew what was going on, and he knew what I was doing.

“No, don’t do this to me.” Jason begged. He let go of me a second later. I nodded at my father and mouthed ‘thank you’ before running out of the house. We quickly got into the car and drove off. I was surprised that Jason even let go of me, but I guess his senses kicked in.

My heart was pounding and pain started to take over my body. I hated this feeling and I wanted it to end, I wanted all of this to end. After about thirty minutes we arrived at a private airport. I got out and got on the jet. I paid no attention to anything or anyone. I couldn’t. I had to sort through this so I could work past it.

“What you are going through right now, you need to push through it.” Dexter said sitting across from me.

“I know,” I breathed.

“You knew there would be a fight.” He reasoned.

“He almost blew everything for himself.” I sighed.

“At least you got out.” He said leaning towards me. “Remember, there is a reason that you are doing this.” He said.

He was right, there was a big reason as to why I was doing this. I wanted, in fact, I needed for this all to end. My deal with the devil was over, and my only way out alive was to end this war once and for all. 

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