Chapter 17; Warning

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Miley’s p.o.v

Making amends with my father was not what I wanted. In fact, at this point in my life…I didn’t even know what I wanted.


There I stood, in a dark empty warehouse. I looked around and saw no one. I was supposed to meet someone and make an exchange. I was trading a product with a new client in exchange for money. This was going to be my biggest sell yet.

I walked around the place and found nothing. Was I being set up? This was a clean place. This should have been an in-and-out. But something was wrong…something wasn’t right.

“Hello?” I shouted, and no one answered. This was a fake, I came all this way for nothing. I walked out of the warehouse and headed back to my car.

“You must be Miley” I turned around to see a man in black standing in the shadows.  “You are new to this, aren’t you?” He asked slowly walking towards me.

“Are you my contact?” I asked.

“I am,” He started, “My name is Dexter.” He smiled softly.

“Why didn’t you come inside? What took you so long?”

“Why so many questions?” He asked with a chuckle. “I am surprised that you actually showed up. I was testing you, in case you didn’t know.” He walked closer.

“This is confusing. The deal is off.” I said opening my car door. I could sense that this was about something else.

“In all honesty, we never really had a deal to begin with.” He breathed. “I heard you are a tough one. You made a deal with D. At least that is just what I heard.” He laughed. “I have a close source that warns me of new comers.”

“D is a good guy. He knows people in high places, but you are forgetting about something. It great to know people in high places, but it matters more where you came from and how you handle those emotional situations. Are you really prepared for the life you chose? You look like you can handle your own…but have you been trained?”

“What is this about?” I asked still a little confused.

“You need the proper training, and I can give that to you. I need someone like you working with me. D is not going to contact you anytime soon. Right now, no one really knows about you. I know you want that to change, and you want the respect you deserve. I can make sure that happens. We would be extremely valuable for one another.” He pressed.

“What do you want in exchange?” I raised my eye brows.

“I want full access to your product. Nothing more, and nothing less. Unlike other people in this business, I am true to my word.” He smiled.

“I don’t know” I wandered. This was sudden, but there was something about him…I had heard of him before.

“Think about it.” He nodded. “Like I said, it’s great to have people in high places. But sometimes, things can go bad…fast. And in those times the streets can save you. One day you will understand.” He said before walking away.

That was the first day I meet Dexter. I remember it, I remember all of it. Dexter showed me how to act, he taught me to become numb. He showed me everything that I would need later in life. He was right, about everything. I didn’t have much choice but to sign my life over to the devil. Dexter showed me what I could become through that. With his help, I learned how to earn respect.

“Miley?” Someone knocked on my door. I walked to the door and opened it.

“Hey, can we go for a walk and talk?” My father asked.

“Sure,” I smiled softly. I followed him outside. We sat at in the front of the house on the steps.

“How are you?” He asked speaking up.

“I’m okay,” I looked over at him.

“I was wondering if you could help me.” He looked at me.

“Is that why you are trying to become close to me? You want me to help you?”

“Come on! I don’t deserve to be targeted like this.”

“You are right, no one deserves to be targeted like this.” I looked away.

“If there was any way to make all of this go away, would you want to act on it?” He asked.

“I am not sure that is possible at this point.” I breathed.

“I know what is going on here.” He said grabbing my hand. “I know the truth about Jason. I know that Justin is really Jason. It doesn’t take an idiot to see that, and I am not going to say anything. I just want to stop this all while we have the chance.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Jason is dead.” I spoke harshly.

“If that is what you think, okay.” He sighed.

“They made it seem that I was the one who put the hit out, but it wasn’t me. They are blackmailing me. I don’t expect you to believe me. I have done a lot of things to you, but hurting Jason was not one of them. I want this all to go away.” He was obviously frustrated.

“You really think that all of this could be resolved?” I asked unsure if I wanted to hear his answer.

“Yes, I really do.” He sighed. “Derek was and is working for them.” He said handing me an envelope. “I used to know what to do in these situations. But now, I don’t. You are the only one that I can trust now.” He said standing to his feet, he walked back into the house without another word.

I opened up the envelope, and pulled out a picture. The picture shocked me. Micah, Derek and Ryan. They were the head of this operation. Pulling out my phone I dialed Dexter’s old number.

“I was just thinking about you the other day.” Dexter’s voice sounded over the phone.

“You were right.”

“Please don’t tell me you got involved with your feelings.” He laughed lightly.

“I have been working with D for a long time. You know why I had to move out here, my father. I then meet someone. I thought it would be safe, especially considering he was in the same line of business. Things are even more complicated now. My father is the next target…he thinks I am the key to ending this whole thing.”

“Well, you could be.”

“I need you to get me out of here. They are going to try and stop me, I need a getaway.” I breathed.

“Just you?”

“Me and two guys.” I said pacing back and forth.

“Okay, be ready tonight.” He said before hanging up the phone. I had to warn Dylan and Aussie of what was going to happen. 

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