Chapter 20; Alone

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Jason’s p.o.v

“Well, I was able to pull up some information off of Miley’s phone.” Eric said walking into the basement. All the guys were sitting in there talking over some business. I forced myself to try and focus at the topic.

“What were you able to find out?” D asked sitting down at the round table in the middle of the room.

“She made a call yesterday afternoon…it looked like it lasted about seven minutes. I tried tracking the number, but there was no luck. It was a dead end, must have been a burner. I tried to then find out who the number was registered to, but nothing came up.” Eric said with a sigh.

“I was able to do some research on this mystery guy.” Bear cleared his throat before speaking again. “I got some local snap shots of him. He went to the local mall before coming to pick up Miley and the guys. My guess is that, he was meeting someone here. I tried to track him the best I could…but found nothing. Just pictures of him walking into the mall and then seven minutes later, he walked out.”

“Seven minutes on the phone, and seven minutes in the public eye. That seems a bit odd.” D said leaning forward. Bear pulled up the pictures on the screen. I couldn’t tell who this guy was, but he knew what he was doing.

“He is experienced.” Martin spoke up. “Seven minutes is enough time to talk on a burner phone and not be traced. If it was longer, you would have found something. Seven minutes in the public eye before the cameras lock in and security is able to get identification. He knows what he is doing, and it seems that he is well trained.” He continued.

“Do you think he is a convict?” Winnie asked.

“No way to know, we don’t know who he is…” Martin answered.

“He looks familiar…” D stood to his feet. The look on his face told me he knew something.

“Dexter.” He said in shock that the words had left his mouth and also fearful.

“How do you know him?” Eric asked.

“He used to train people around my turf back in California. He would make sure they were well prepared. When I got word that this guy was messing around with my turf, I approached him. Asked him who he was, and what he was doing. He was recruiting…offering people safety and training. He was a part of the cartel a while back. He was clean…the connections this guy has is unbelievable. I tried to get him to team up with me, but he wasn’t at all interested.”

“That doesn’t explain why he knows Miley.” I spoke up.

“Miley, lived in the area he was recruiting. I am not sure how they met, or when they met…but it seems that he recruited her. He is convincing with what he does.”

“What was he offering?” Bear asked.

“Safety and knowledge. I don’t know what his motive was, but he was something else.” D laughed.

“What did he get in exchange? Seems like he was giving but what was he getting…” I wandered.

“Man power.” D smeared. “He basically built an underground empire. He teamed up with anyone and everyone. He gave them advice, connections and training. They went out and brought him more connections. He basically has an army of man power and connections so that he is safe and his name lives. I don’t know what his motives were but it seems that he was safe no matter what.”

“That’s a bit over kill. I mean connections are great but, why is he still in this business?” I laughed.

“What do you think he was getting from those connections? He gets information. That made him even more powerful, he has ears everywhere. He knows everything…before it even happens.” D said sitting back down in his chair.

“Well damn.” Bear laughed.

“That’s why he is so safe and comfortable. But, that doesn’t tell us why Miley is teaming up with him…what are they up too?” Eric asked.

“I don’t know…I am guessing we are just going to have to wait to find that out.” D sighed.

“What are we supposed to do in the mean time?” Winnie asked.

“Continue to do what we do best…” D said walking out of the basement. I followed him out and up to his office.

“We need to talk” I said shutting the door behind me.

“I agree.” He said sitting in his chair.

“Did you know about this?” He asked leaning forward.

“About what?” I asked. I felt a wall building up around me and this time I wasn’t going to let anyone back in.

“About Miley…her leaving. Did you know any of this?” He questioned.

“No, I didn’t know about any of this. She didn’t say anything to me so I am just as shocked as you.”

“I know, I shouldn’t have even asked. You seemed so surprised when she left the other day. I’m sorry I questioned you.” He sighed in defeat.

“It’s fine…I understand. I know I am doing the same thing.” I shook my head. I felt so alone.

“I don’t understand why…” He wandered.

“Me either. She kept to herself, and didn’t say anything. I have a feeling Martin knows more than he is letting on…but I have no proof. If I question him, he will question me right back.”

“I think that if this were a life or death matter he would tell us. I know that he knows something, but like you, I can’t question him.” D shook his head. “Like I said downstairs, the only thing we can do is go about business normally.”

“I guess so.” I stood up.

“Are you okay?” He asked looking at me.

“I…I am fine.”

“You don’t seem too sure of that.”

“I guess this whole thing just really pisses me off. I thought that Miley and I were close enough to where we could talk to each other. It seems that no matter how hard I try, we will never be able to truly have something because, something comes up. I just…I am pissed at her.”

“I can understand where you are coming from, and I get it.” D said standing to his feet. “If you ever need someone to talk too, I am always here for you.” He nodded. Without another word, I walked out of his office and to my room. I needed to get past this by myself.

(Next chapter will be all Miley! I will update again later this week! Comment and Vote! xoxo)

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