Chapter 3; Trust

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I walked into the bathroom and got undressed. I played some music to drown out the sounds stirring up around me. I got in the shower and felt my heart sink to my stomach. Everything was moving so fast I was starting to feel lost. I used all the energy that was left in me to clean my body off and wash my hair. I got out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t look like myself anymore…I was lost. I didn’t even know who I had become, and I hated it.

I picked up my long think hair blond hair and put it up in a bun on the top of my head. I hated what I looked like. Without thinking I grabbed a pair of scissors from the drawer and cut the lose bun. My hair fell in a clump at my feet. My mom always cut my hair when I was little, she also taught me how to do it. I wanted something new, and fresh. I grabbed the clippers and styled it slightly. I then buzzed the sides, giving it a pixie cut look. I grabbed a box of dye I had Dylan get me and died my hair bleach blond.

I then washed and dried my hair. It looked different and new. I actually liked it. Walking out of the bathroom I walked to my closet. I grabbed a short black skirt and a white strapless crop top to match. I fixed my makeup and put on a pair of heals. I grabbed my clutch and keys and walked down stairs.

“Miley?” My father asked once he saw me.

“What” I asked without ever looking at him.

“Where are you going?” He asked walking towards me. I looked up and felt eyes pierce through me from behind e, no one made a sound.

“I am going out, do you have a problem with that?”

“Yes, take one of the guys with you”

“No, I am capable of handling my own ground.” I said pushing past him

“Miley, I am not letting you leave her without a body guard.” His voice even louder.

“I don’t need your permission. I am 18 now.” I said and walked out the door. I walked over to my car and started it up. All the guys were now standing on the front porch watching. Jason got into the passenger side of my father’s side to follow after me.

I wanted to be left alone so I sped off as fast as I could. I needed to get away from them, all of them. I needed space. I didn’t know where I was going, but I didn’t care. I had connections so I knew I would be safe. I didn’t need to stay under my dad’s roof. Especially when some people in the house didn’t seem to trust me. That made me feel uncomfortable.

My phone started ringing, the Bluetooth connected to the car answered it.

“Hello” I said out loud.

“Miley, stop your fucking car.” I heard Jason’s voice boom into the speakers.

“Or what” I tempted.

“Miley, pull the car over, now” he said even louder.

“Why should I?”

“We have other things to focus on…Micah lied to us and now we are at war. We don’t have time for your petty attention seeking games.” He spat. I felt my heart grow heavy.

“Ha, maybe if you hadn’t fallen for Micah’s lies in the first place this wouldn’t be happening. Trust me when I say, this is not an act of attention. I need my space, I need to get away from all of you guys.” I said. My blood was on fire and I wanted to punch Jason in the god damn face.

“Pull your car over” His demanding voice said again into the phone. “Let’s talk about this before you do something stupid.” He said.

I pulled the car to the side of the road, giving them exactly what they wanted. Climbing out of the car, I slammed the door shut and stood there. I watched as my father and Jason exited there stopped car.

“Miley, get in my car and I will take you back to the cabin.” My father said walking towards me.

“No” I said holding my ground.

“Why are you acting like such a bitch” Jason said standing next to my father. My father looked at Jason and then at the ground.

“You know what I find odd…” I asked raising my eyebrows. “You don’t seem too shocked to see that Jason is alive” I said looking at my dad. He looked up at me. Looking into his eyes I could sense that something wasn’t right. He knew Jason was never dead.

“It was a test” I laughed. “You didn’t trust me” I said looking at the both of them. “I get it, trust is something that is earned…but you all just lost all of my trust. I had nothing to do with any of this, and you all were too focused on figuring out my role to notice what was really happening. You trust Max? Did he do something to earn your trust? I am sure he did.” I laughed to myself.

“I am done with these petty games. Seems it was all a big game to you guys. You think it’s funny? Did you get the answer you wanted? What did you loss through all of this? You want to know what I lost. My fucking dignity, and my respect for you, for all of you. I am not playing this little game anymore. Whatever is about to happen, is something that I don’t even understand. Are you after my knowledge? My connections? Well, it doesn’t matter. We may be on the same side in this war, but we are not in the same gang. I actually do have connections outside of you all. Now that I am 18 I get to choose. If you don’t let me drive away now…your gang will be targeted next” I said walking to my car.

“Sure” Jason said with a laugh.

“Congratulation’s Jason. Although I don’t know if any of it was real…you found out the truth on where I stand losing all of my trust for you in the process. Good luck.” I said getting into my car I drove off.

(Sorry if I am moving to fast. Things are jus picking up...I would love to know what you all think. Comment and Vote! xoxo) 

ShatteredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora