Chapter 6; You'll always have me

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Jason’s p.o.v

As the guys scurried around the house trying to gather everything we needed for our little meeting with Miley and her ‘gang’, I stayed in my room debating weather I should go or not.

Obviously, I had no choice. I had to show that I was strong…I had to be the stronger one. I wanted to do everything I could to piss Miley off, but Manny wouldn’t let me. Although, I can most defiantly don’t give a shit.

Standing to my feet I walked into the bathroom and fixed my hair. I needed to make her want me. Looking into the mirror, I started to regret who I had become. I didn’t like my reflection. My arms were covered in different tattoos making me look tougher than I really was. The clothes I wore, showed someone I wished I was. I was currently wearing a black t-shirt with a gold chain, and a pair of dark jeans with a pair of high-tops. Grabbing my red snapback and a pair of sunglasses I pushed through the ache in my chest and walked out of my room.

Without saying a word to any of the guys I climbed into my car and followed behind Manny and Aussie. Their place was just down the street from our place so it wasn’t much of a big deal. Parking I climbed out of the car and walked inside behind the guys.

“Hey guys,” Winnie said opening the door for us. We walked inside and down into the basement. They haven’t been here for any longer than 12 hours and they practically had the basement decked out with everything they needed. We sat around the table in the middle of the room. I sort of zoned out from what was being said after a while.

I didn’t give a fuck, and I didn’t want to be here.

“Jason,” Miley said shaping her fingers in my face.

“What” I snapped.

“It would be great to have your input in this conversation, after all we are a team.” She said rolling her eyes.

“Fuck that” I said standing up.

“Jason” Manny said standing to his feet.

“Manny” I said turning to him.

“We are a team here, sit down, listen and contribute to what is being said.” He said getting into my face.

“No” I spat. “You are not the boss of me” I said turning away.

“Where are you going?” Manny asked grabbing my arm,

“I am going to pack my shit and get the hell out of here” I pulled my arm away from his grip.

“No you aren’t” He said sternly, as if I was scared of him.

“Yes, actually I am. I don’t need you…I don’t need any of you. I don’t want this pathetic shit. I am done.” I said turning around I headed out the door.

“We aren’t letting you walk out of here” Manny said grabbing my arm again. Aussie and Ryan were now standing by his side.

“Oh wow,” I chuckled with a laugh. “What are you going to do? Beat me up?” I laughed at the thought.

“If we have too” Aussie said with a smirk. Everything was a fucking game to him.

“You and what army?”

“We will have back up” Manny said looking pissed.

“We aren’t backing you up on this one. If he wants to leave, let him.” Miley said crossing her arms. Dylan just slowly walked towards Miley side of the room. He, out of all of them new how to pick his battles.

“Well, we can always use your own weakness against you” Manny said looking over at Miley and back at me.

“Ha, go for it” I laughed, “I dare you!”

“Miley hunny” He said looking over at Miley he gestured his hand out towards her. “Can I use your assistance for a second” He asked looking back at me.

Without thinking I flung my arm back and swung it forward. It connected with Manny’s jaw and he fell back. Grabbing his collar I pushed him against the nearest wall. He tried to fight me but failed. I heard people shuffling behind me but I wasn’t paying attention to them.

“You know you really are pathetic. You just love to use your daughter for whatever the fuck you want. You’re such a fucking pig, it’s pathetic because you could have stopped all of this from happening in the first place. I swear to god I will kill you if you even look at her in a disrespectful manner. Worthless pig of a father, you sicken me.” I basically screamed. Before letting him go I flung him to the ground. “Pathetic” I spat before walking back up the stairs.

I needed to get out of here, and I couldn’t and didn’t want to look back. Every part of me wanted Miley to chase after me and come with me…but I knew she wouldn’t. I could tell she was safe with D. She was safer with them then she would ever be with me.

I sped off without another thought or word. When I got back to the house I went inside and packed my things. It didn’t take me long, at this point I had learned to pack fast for situations like this. Walking out of the house I saw Miley leaning against the driver’s side of my car.

I quickly put my stuff in my trunk and walked to the driver’s side.

“Where are you going?” She asked looking at me.

“I don’t know yet” I spoke honestly.

“I wanted to warn you…we found that there was a mission alert, a bounty.”

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“There was a bounty placed on you. Dead, 10.5 million.” She spoke. “I don’t know where you are planning to go…but they will find you. Someone will find you” She sighed looking to the ground and then back at me.

“What the hell am I supposed to do then?” I asked my voice raising.

“God damn it Jason! I am just trying to fucking help you. I mourned over you once, I would rather not have to do it again” She said her words dis-stressed and angered.

Looking at her I could tell she was worried.

“What-what should I do then? Wait around here? Huh?” I asked pushing for her to give up and walk away.

“Christ, if I knew.” She sighed moving out of the way. I reached for the door and opened it.

“You used to trust me...” She spoke, her voice soft and breakable. “I don’t know what happened to that.” She said turning on her heal. “If you need help, or anything, you’ll always have me.” She said walking away without another word.

Getting into the car, I sped off. I was angry, at everything at this point. Why…why was this happening to me? What the hell did I ever do to deserve this? Pulling off the high way I beat my fist against the steering wheel of the car.

Having a bounty on your head changes things. At this point, I had no hope. I was already dead. I trusted no one and nobody could help at this point.

(Sorry for not updating a lot. I have been busy with finals! I am offically done and on Summer break. I can't promise I will update as much, but I will. I'll post Used and Abused tomorrow! Comment and Vote! xoxo)

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