Chapter 7; Explosive

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*I will start suggesting a song for each chapter now! You can recommend some in the comments if you like as well.

Song for this chapter: ‘Bye Bye Bye’ by N Sync (kind of cheesy but it was playing while I was editing so hey!)

Jason’s p.o.v

I sat there in my car for what felt like ages. I couldn’t show my face. I couldn’t go anywhere public. I had to get away from people. All people. I had to burn every possible way for anyone to track me. And I knew exactly what to do.

Miley’s p.o.v

“Miley” Winnie called from the other side of my bedroom door.

“Yeah” I said getting up from my bed I walked over to the door and opened it.

“You might want to come down stairs.” He said. The tone of his voice and the look on his face looked as if he had seen a ghost.

Without questioning him, I followed behind him as he walked down the stairs and into the living room. The TV boomed catching my full attention.

“Local gang member Jason McCann seemed to have been caught in an explosive fire earlier today. Police have been investigating the situation since early this afternoon. McCann was driving a black Road Ranger when, it looks as if the breaks seemed to stop working. While driving on the 9-A highway he tried to slow down when turning a dangerous bend when he lost control of the vehicle. He drove off the highway and down the side of the cliff. When the car finally stopped, it caught fire. Police investigated and it looks this was not gang related. The Ambulance and Fire rescue tried to save him, but there was nothing left. The fire was too explosive. Police have closed the investigation.” The news reporter said in a serious distort tone.

Everything in my crumbled. Either this was gang related or he planned to kill himself. Collapsing to my knees everything went black. I lost him again. My mind was telling me that he wasn’t really dead, that this was all a part of his cover up. This had to be fake...right? I doubted everything I thought up. Either way, I had to act like he was dead. I had to move on with my life in order to protect him and myself.

No one’s p.o.v

The bar was partly empty. Nothing big was going on in this little town. Just a few old men sitting around the local bar minding their own business. The bartender was tending to the little customers there were and cleaning up the mess around the small place.

“What can I get for you?” The bar tender asked as a younger man walked into the bar and sat at the counter.

“I’ll have a Vodka on the rocks.” The young man said looking up at the older bar tender. He nodded and made the drink. The young man sat there with his hands in front of him. He made no eye contact and kept to himself.

The bar tender placed the small glass in front of the younger man. He then grabbed a hand towel and wiped his hands. Leaning against the back counter he looked at the young man sitting in front of him. He tried to read him…to find out the mystery that laid behind the young man’s eyes.

“You aren’t from around here are you?” The bar tender asked.

“What gave that away?” He asked while keeping his eyes focused on the glass in front of him. He had yet to take a sip of the alcohol.

“I have lived in this small town for years…I can sense a foreigner when I see one.” he chucked to himself. “What’s your name?” He asked prying himself into this younger, mysterious man’s spinning world.

“My name is…Justin” He said looking up at the old man as if he was trying to make him believe himself. The old man nodded.

“Well…Justin, welcome to Capitol. It’s a small town no one really seems to notice. My name is Troy.” He smiled with a light laugh.

Justin nodded and stayed silence.

Troy seemed to sense that there was something off about Justin. He didn’t question it. He knew there must have been a reason that Justin was reserved. Justin wasn’t causing problems for anyone so Troy let him be.

Justin seemed to stay there for hours…staying silence staring at his glass that had still been untouched by him. A few older men had come into the bar and leave within that hour. Troy let Justin be although he looked over at him every once and a while. Troy still tried to read him yet failed. Troy could tell the look behind Justin’s eyes was dark. There seemed to be no light in Justin’s world. This seemed to be a feeling that Troy knew a lot about.

(Like I said, comment some songs you recommend! Also, what do you think so far? Sorry it’s short! And sorry I have not posted in a while. I have been really busy! I am now on summer and settling back in at home. I have to find a job soon so wish me luck. I will start updating more now! I would love to hear your thoughts about this chapter! Comment and vote! Xoxo)

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