Chapter 12; Product

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Miley’s p.o.v

Jason had dropped me off a little ways from the house so the guys wouldn’t know that I was with him. I hated that I had to say goodbye to him, but it wasn’t going to be for long. I would see him, or some of a resemblance of him in Justin. I already hated Justin, because he wasn’t Jason. Yes, they were the same person. Jason seemed to act different when he was Justin and I hated that. His persona was more arrogant and annoying.

Walking inside the house I walked upstairs and into my room. I quickly got a shower and fixed my hair and makeup. I needed to look fresh and clean. I needed to make sure that I had my poker face on for the guys. I quickly put a pair of jeans on and a lose tank top before walking down the stairs.

“Miley” D said looking over at me from the kitchen table. The rest of the guys watched me as I got made some food in the kitchen. Their faces held confusion.

“We all promised that there would be no secrets between us.” Winnie said standing from his chair.

“I know that” I toe a seat at the table.

“You were gone for 2 days” Dylan said looking over at me.

“Where were you?” D asked, raising his eyebrows. It was like he could read right through me.

“I know this is hard to believe, but I just needed to get away. Everything has been catching up to me, I just needed sometime alone. I wasn’t trying to keep something from you. I honestly just needed sometime alone where no one could find me or contact me.” I said taking a bite from my food.

“Where did you stay? How did you get there?” Dylan asked.

“I didn’t realize you all were going to ambush me with stupid questions. I honestly just needed a breather. I didn’t want to have to report to someone where I was going.”

“Why won’t you tell us where you went?”

“I stayed on the outskirts of this god forsaken place. Some cheap Inn. I took a fucking bus. Does it really matter?” I asked looking over at Dylan.

“Why couldn’t you tell us?” Bear asked.

“I just wanted some peace a quite where I didn’t have to worry about people jumping down my throat at my every move. I needed a place where I could actually breathe, I needed peace. It’s been a fucking year since I could breathe without feeling a stabbing pain in my chest. Then a fucking look-a-like pops up making my mind wander when it was just another prick. I’m sorry that I disappeared but I needed a few days to relax so I can get through the next few years. Sorry that I didn’t report back to you guys.” I screamed pushing my chair against a wall. I walked into the living to take a deep breathe.

“Well, now that you are back we need to discuss what product we want to use.” D said walking into the living room a few minutes later.

“I hope that whatever you did over the weekend refreshed you. You look more relaxed. I trust you, you don’t have to tell me what really happened. I know whatever it was…you needed it.” He said sitting on the coffee table.

“Thank you” I said sitting on the couch in front of him.

“We all looked over the products and we really like Justin’s.” He said handing me the file.

“I know, his product seemed bullet proof. I can’t tell if John was just in love with the product or Justin.” I said smirking.

“Me either” He said laughing.

“Well, if everyone loves Justin’s product…maybe we should go for it. I mean my only concern is that we haven’t used him before.”

“John says it works smoothly” Aussie said walking into the living room. I nodded looking over the file.

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