Eddy got busy in watching policemen from the window, whereas I freed myself from all the ropes.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt "SHE IS MINE." I turned my fingers into a fist and punched him hard on his jaw. He fell on floor and lost his consciousness.

I opened ropes around Sia's wriSt. She was wet in her sweat, trembling in fear.
"Hey swan. We are going to make it ok. Just stay with me"
She nodded and tears started to run from her eyes.

"You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you?" I asked and she smiled.

I wanted to hug her so hard that even our souls could become one. But not now.

"Open yourself okay?" I said and she nodded again

I went to face my best friend.

"Like what you see?" I had never seen Eddy so much in stress that he was currently in.


"FREEZE" the door flew open and armed men got inside. They handcuffed Tristan and Eddie while I went towards Sia.

"Hey you ok?" I asked holding her face in my hands

"Yeah. But you almost got me killed" She looked down.

"Do you think I would let you get hurt?" I asked curiously

"I trust you" she smiled and I hugged her.


Few days passed by since that incident. News of our kidnapping was everywhere. Tristan and Eddie were under custody and Today I was going to meet them.

I went in the office of the Police Commissioner and thanked him for his cooperation
"My wife and I are safe because of you. Thank you" I shook hand with him
"Mr. Ashar, you're one of the top businessmen of the country. Your protection is definitely our priority" He replied calmly.

Then on my request, they led me to jail where Eddy and Tristan are kept.

Seeing me, Eddy narrowed his eyes and I could see jaw clenching.

It is heart wrenching to see my best friend, who was more than a brother to me, standing behind the bars, with nothing but hatred for me.

I composed myself. He is no longer the same person I knew.

"Won't you ask me why I am here?" I broke the ice.

"You will tell me anyway" His ice cold words stabbed me

"I knew that you had part in everything Eddie. But I didnt know that you were fully in it" I confessed

His eyes met mine.

"Yeah. You stayed with me since childhood, but haven't learned anything" I tucked my hand in my pockets

He sighed and turned his face on the other side.

I took my mobile phone out from my pocket and showed him the clip of CCTV camera that was capturing Sia's desk visuals.

"You remember this?" I asked him and he turned to me.

He maintained his poker face and said "yes. I remember"

"I doubted you first time when you showed me this clip. I saw this clip again and again, for like hundred times and then I know that it was tampered"

His facial expressions changes

"You knew it was tampered?" He asked

"Yes. Do you wanna know how?" I asked before showing him the clip again.

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