14- Facing The Result

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I waited whole day to get any update about him.

Impatiently, I keep turning TV on and off looking for news channels for any update.

I guess the lady didn't call the police.

Too bad.. All wasted

It was almost evening by now and heavy rainfall is predicted. I already have storm phobia, so I never intended to go anywhere out from my room.

Just when I was about to close the TV, the news came.

News which I wanted to hear.

"Mr. Ashar Nicholson had been brought for investigation about a mysterious call in which the woman complained that he had kidnapped a lady and will kill her. Police restrain from giving any details to media.."

I jumped with joy and clapped my hands like a baby who gets his favorite toy.

Now enjoy your stay in jail Mr. Ashar and burn like me..

I could hear lightening and beginning of thunderstorm. But I was in peace.

I looked around and found only Renee in kitchen

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Its my night shift today and everyone left early due to storm. Do you need anything ma'am?" she said politely

"Not really thanks. And please call me Sia" she smiled

I was in good mood today.

"So do you like working here?" I asked

"Yes. Mr. Nicholson was really kind with all of us."

"And what about his son?" I asked

"He is nice too. But very unlike his father. He had a troubled childhood that is the main reason behind his nature and we all understand that" she explained.

Troubled childhood. He himself is a trouble.

"Do you know why I am here?" I asked just to dig in details.

"Well, Samantha told us that you're his secretary and you got some problem in your house so you'll be living here. But she was not sure of herself if it was completely true"she said

" what do you mean? "

Renee shrugged "she was not confident if what she was telling was true. And to be honest both father and son were like to keep their professional and private lives separate., they never brought any employee to home. I had seen very few times an employee coming here and if any came, that would be only for couple of minutes"

It was true, I too never came to his house.

Renee got busy with her work and I looked around the house. The main entrance had big brown door with elegant yet simple knobs. There was kitchen on the left side then there was a dinning area which was large enough to accommodate 8 people.

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