Chapter 29

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I don't own anything

Franks hideout

Cassandra was at Wayne enterprises. Using the newly acquired information she gained from hacking the justice league data base she was able to find Batman's storage area where he kept many of his other high tech equipment under wraps.

These weren't the non lethal creations like the bat mobile and bat jet no this equipment was created in order to keep Wayne tech in the good graces of the military. Batman maybe smart and wealthy but all the cutting edge technology he gets has to come from some place of origin and that so happened to be ex military contracts that never came to be. Cass snuck into the compound staying in the shadows making sure she isn't seen by cameras or guards.

Cass was looking for three things here. The first was a jacket made out of the same material as Batman's cape. It would be nearly bullet proof and break franks fall for when he needed to leap off of high places. The second thing she needed was a project named the battle van. It was basically a mobile tank like creation disguised as a normal black van. The last thing she wanted to grab was the more recent creation the xc-07 it was dangerous enough the beheld on its own floor in the building.

Cass snuck through the place dispatching the guards but not killing them as they were only doing there jobs. Eventually she had reached xc-070's it's was simply a brief case being locked in a metal safe.

Using her hacking and lock picking skills Cassie was able to open the safe grabbing the brief case with ought setting off the alarms. The security here was difficult but not impossible, Cass had been trained to sneak into far more dangers compounds since she was a child.

Weaving her way through the place she eventually came across Wayne techs failed contract creations. But to cass what it really stood for was Batman's spare armory. Cass begin looking through the place making sure not to set off any alarms.

Looking through some of the drawers she had found the jacket she was looking for as well as an extra spare set of armor and utility belt. Cassie left the boots,gloves and mask behind as she knew that there was no way in hell Frank was ever going to wear that. But she did take the chest plate and utility belt she new that frank could make something new from it.

Finally Cass got to the vehicle covered over with a tarp. Cass took off the tarp to reveal the battle van. Having a replica of the keys Cassie unlocked the battle van and started placing all the equipment inside it.  She started the engine hitting the gas the smashed through the garage door and heads into the streets.

The police began to come around as she heard there sirens but Cass had already put the van in stealth mode making it a quick and easy escape from the police.

Cass: Hang on frank I'll be there as fast as I can.


Bruce Wayne was currently sitting in his chair next to the bat computer. He was currently fighting a headache he gained from yet another round of arguing with his clone/son frank castle.

It had been days since they had captured him and they were going nowhere. The two of them have been going around in circles ever since they had met and it was starting to take its toll on Bruce.

Alfred: Master Bruce May I be of assistance?

Bruce: I don't know what to do with him Alfred. I can't just send him to jail he knows who we all are and-

Alfred: He's your son.

Bruce: Yes

Alfred: Master Bruce I've always held a high amount of respect for you. If you can remember your first year as Batman I heavily argued against you becoming the Batman. I thought that you were wasting away your life on this campaign against Gotham's criminal underworld. But as time progressed I began to see why Batman was needed in Gotham. To not just bring hope but to put fear into the criminal that roam the street. When I look at mr castle here I see a younger version of you master Bruce. A boy who had just lost his entire family to crime and now is on a crusade to fight injustice whenever he sees it no matter the cost.

Bruce: Alfred he's killed people, he's planning on killing more-

Alfred: Yes master Bruce I know and you and I both do not agree with his methods. But with that being said we don't even know if he plans on continue to fight after he finishes off his families killers. Perhaps he will want to retire.

Bruce looks at Alfred

Alfred: Unlikely I know but it could happen.

Bruce: And if it doesn't?

Alfred: Then compromise. You two have bigger problems ahead. You should not be wasting time going at each other's throats like a hungry pack if hyenas. Just try to compromise master Bruce he still is your son after all.

Alfred then walks away leaving Batman to his thoughts.

Franks cell mount justice

Frank was currently restrained talking to black canary the apparent therapist of the team.

Canary: I'm here to do an evaluation on you psyche.

Frank: Oh boy,this is gonna be interesting.

Canary didn't comment but she simply shook her head as she began writing things down.

Canary: Normally I would classify you as a psychopath. You show no remorse in killing the people you believe to be "filth" and overall you show enough anti social behavior to help further my belief.

Frank: But?

Canary: But the main problem with classifying you as a psychopath is that you clearly have feeling of empathy and remorse a feeling no psychopath should be able to have. Your not a sociopath because then you wouldn't be able to be in a social environment like a school for so long and kept up normal appearances with ought some form of help. Closet thing I can diagnose you with is ptsd from your fighting in Kandahar, but even then people with ptsd don't tend to plan out their attacks at such great lengths as you do mr. castle

Frank: so doc what's your conclusion?

Canary: My conclusion is that your traumatized but your not insane. Yet

Frank: Well shit doc I could have told you that.

Then the lights went out

Canary: What I going on?

Frank whatever it is can't be good.

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