Chapter 10

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I don't own anything

Frank and Cass where currently at a truck stop filled with the remnants of the Russians. After quickly disposing of them Cass turned to frank.

Cass: So the plan is to?

Frank: Destroy the base resupply on weapons and kill any living member of the gang.

Cass: Alright lets get too it then.

Frank and Cass get to work. Frank starts taking all the weapons in the armory while Cass looks around the building making sure their where no more traps or gang members left.

As Cass walks around she notices a bunch of kennel cages wondering why they where in the Russians hideout. As she pokes around she then notices more cages. Taking a closer look at them she is then surprised to the cages are filled with corpses. On the other side they where filled with women and children!

Cass felt sick to her stomach. Yes she may have seen death but these people.......they looked like they where ready to be sold. Cass broke the lock and ordered everyone to leave. As they fled she looked around making sure she didn't leave anyone behind. She then notices a smaller cage and hears crying. Cass heads towards the source to find a girl with silver eyes in a tattered dress crying her eyes out.

Cass unlocks the cage immediately and tries to show that she means no harm but the child scruffiest to the corner of the cage crying even more

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Cass unlocks the cage immediately and tries to show that she means no harm but the child scruffiest to the corner of the cage crying even more. Cass never being in this kind of situation does the what her instincts tell her.

Cass takes off her mask and gloves revealing her face. She then extends her hand

Cass: Listen, me and my friend want to help you. Please, let us help you. We can take you home to your mommy and daddy.

The girl looked at Cass still crying and says

Girl: They killled mommy and daddy!

Cass feeling like she should have known that sighs in desperation.

Cass: Do have a name?

Girl:.......Ruby it's Ruby.

Cass: Ruby. That's a beautiful name. Listen Ruby where not going to hurt you. We want to help you please just give us a chance.

Ruby looked at her innocently and then mutters the next sentence.

Ruby:'t......use me.....will you?

Cass: What do you me-

Just then Cass figured out what Ruby was saying. Utterly disgusted she shed a tear saying.

Cass: No. well never ever. Let something like that happens to you. Not ever again.

Cass had to keep her voice down in order not to scare Ruby but just looking at the girls face she could see her words were starting to have an impact. Ruby was beginning to crawl towards Cass. Once Ruby makes her way towards Cass she begins to cry on her shoulders hugging her as Cass hugged back.

Ruby: I......I just don't want to be.......hurt anymore.

Cass: You won't I swear on every deity you won't.

After a few minutes Cass talks to Frank on the comm.

Cass: Frank something urgent has come up.

Frank: On my way.

Frank makes his way towards the Cass and Ruby.

Frank: What's going on?

Cass: I was exploring the building when I discovered a slave trading ring. I let the people go but.

Frank: But what?

Cass then shows Frank Ruby who was sitting in the Fiddle position wiping her tears.

Frank: what happened to her?

Cass: Frank they, killed her parent right in front of her mother and father.

Frank was taken back by this

Cass: They also........raped her frank. Listen I've never been in this sit-

Cass words fell on deaf ears. Frank could no longer hear her as now he could only hear a familiar merry go round playing in the background. He saw himself with his little brother getting ready to go on the ride being followed by their parents laughing as they got on.

Frank was laughing and enjoying himself until he heard a click of a gun. Next thing he saw was blood in the horses mouth and he could only hear the screaming from his loved ones.

Cass: Frank! FRANK!!

Frank finally woke up from the daydream.

Cass: Frank what happened to you? Your sweating like you just ran a marathon.

Frank looked behind himself and gained his bearing. Once that was over he responds

Frank: Well take her to base, help her get situated. She seems hungry and dehydrated we'll help her the best we can.

Cass: Right

Frank then takes off his helmet and walks over to Ruby slowly so he doesn't scare her. Ruby stays where she is at not knowing what was going to happen next.

Frank: Ruby, my name is franklin castle or just frank for short. I can not begin to describe how sorry I am that you had to go through such horrible things on your own. But I promise you that I will take care of you. You are in safe hands now and we'll do everything in our power to help you grow from here on out.Right Cass?

Cass was proud of Frank seeing how he was handling the situation and said

Cass: Absolutely Franklin.

Hours later

They make themselves at home. Frank makes rubies bed while Cass helps feed her and gives her a shower. Eventually it's time for bed and frank goes and tucks her in bed and was about turn off the lights when Ruby says.

Ruby: Keep the lights on please!

Frank: You sure?

Ruby: Please I'm afraid of the dark.

Frank looks at her understandingly nodding his head.

Frank then leaves the hallway lights so Ruby can sleep better.Franks about to leave when-

Ruby: Wait!

Frank: Yes?

Ruby: Please don't leave me by myself. I don't want to be alone.

Frank sighs.


Frank gets out a bed roll and gets ready to sleep on the floor when Ruby asks.

Ruby: Can Cassy join us too?

With those puppy dog eyes she was given him their was no way in hell frank could tell her no.

Frank: Hold on I'll get her.

Frank then leaves for a bit and then comes back retrieving Cass.

Cass: Ok Ruby we'll sleep here. Like we promised we'll keep you safe.

Ruby then begins jumping on the bed.

Ruby: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

And with that all three member fall asleep in the same room.

Later that morning it can be seen with frank and Cassandra holding each other in their arms while Ruby laid on top of them all in a mess of blankets fast asleep.

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