Chapter 2

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I don't own anything

Mount justice

Megan's pov

We had just gotten back from the mission in Santa Prisca. As everyone made their way towards the league we see that Batman slog with canary and Wonder Woman where watching the news.

Robin: Batman we completed our first mission.

Batman: I know and you will be given a full debrief later, right now we need the team to head to city at this location.

Batman then shows them the address.

Kid: Another mission awesome! What's it about!

Batman: apparently multiple homocides have been discovered around the edges of Happy Harbor. I need this team to check in with the authorities to see what where currently dealing with.

Superboy: any idea on who the culprit is?

Batman: Unfortunately no. Whoever did this had been covering their tracks well and it seems the US government wants to keep a lid on this killings to avoid mass panic.

Robin: Alright I guess where heading back out.

Megan: Jeez I never thought that something like this would be done so close to our home.

Superboy: Yeah I know it's worries me a little.

20 minutes later at the crime scene

When the team arrived at the scene of the crime each member had a different reaction to the crime.

Seeing so many dead bodies ripped apart by the bullet storm caused ms Martian to vomit at the sight. Kid looked away in order to process what was going on as he has never seen such brutality at this level. Superboy felt sick to his stomach looking at the horror show before him and pinched his nose so he didn't have to smell the dead bodies.

Aqua lad remained neutral as he was a trained soldier and he was trained to operate in fields in these conditions though it did make him feel a bit nauseated when he first saw the seen. Robin was also neutral as he and Batman have had to investigate crimes like these in Gotham. but even he had to admit that he only thought creeps in Gotham could only be capable of such brutality.

Aqua lad orders robin and kid flash to investigate the scene while the others check in with the police.

Aqualad: Officers, do you have any idea what's going on here?

Officer: look around kid it's a bloody massacre.

Aqualad: Yes, I've noticed do you have any leads?

Officer: Listen kid this investigation is not for the faint of heart. I suggest you let this go before one of you sidekicks get hurt.

Superboy: Hey! Where are not sidekicks! We where here to get information about the crime so tell us what's going on!

Officer: Jesus kid calm down. Alright let's go to the ally so nobody can hear us.

With Robin and kid flash

Kid: Oh my god the smell is terrible. How can you stand it.

Robin: Let's day stuff like this isn't uncommon in Gotham but still this is definitely one of the more disturbing crimes I've seen.

Kid: You've seen worse than this?

Robin: Yeah little suggestion kid, never visit Gotham after dark.

Kid: You can count on- oh my god I just stepped on an eyeball!! Gross gross gross!!

Robin: Can you chill for a second kid!........well that's interesting.

Kid looks at robin while whipping his shoe

Kid: What?

Robin: Their all wearing Kevlar suites body armor. So either they where trying to make a new fashion sense Kevlar or-

Kid: They where expecting someone to come shooting.

The others

Aqualad: Alright tell us what you know sir.

Officer: (sigh) this isn't the first shootout that match's this description.

Megan: What do you mean?

Officer: Theirs been rumors of an army showing up and wiping out criminal gangs with extreme prejudice. It started with the Irish in Detroit then the Chinese in Cleveland and now here in Happy Harbor.

Superboy: So you think that an army is doing this?

Officer: It has to be. Some past military group because no common person can take out these criminals with such accuracy.

Aqualad: Anything else?

Officer: Sorry no, this army doesn't  apparently take any prisoners. We have no witnesses or suspects this army knows how to cover their tracks.

Aqualad: I see well thank you officer for your help.

Officer: Yeah anytime.

Robin and kid flash

Robin: this isn't good.

Kid: Which part the fact that the murder is still out their or the fact that we know little to nothing about him.

Robin: Whoever did this has some pretty high tech weapons.

Kid: How do you know?

Robin: Because ordinary bullets don't rip through Kevlar like this. Whoever or what ever is doing this must have military grade weapons or something.

Kid: Wait your saying that someone is running around with military grade weapons and is deciding to shoot up Happy Harbor.

Robin: Not exactly who ever was doing this must have some sort of experience in the military.

Kid: What makes you say that?

Robin: Because whoever did this only fired once at each target. Each target was only shot once and never shot again. So whoever did this must of had training equivalent to sniper marksman.

Kid: Great a crazy soldier person going around unloading on whoever he wants to, well I'm not sleeping tonight thanks Robin.

Robin: Let's get to the others.


Robin: Hey what did you guys figure out?

Superboy The cops believe this is some ex military group. They've been taking out multiple gangs around the country. What about you guys.

Robin: This group has military grade weaponry and military experience so I guess where looking at an ex military army. Only next question is what do we do from here?

???: Hey hey are you kids part of the justice league?!

Robin: Maybe why?

???: Please I need your help! The thing that did this.... I think it's coming after me next!!

Megan: Why would they do that?

???: Because I survived this fucking massacre!

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