Chapter 24

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I don't own anything

After talking with the sidekicks frank went over to help Marie with fixing the fence around the house.

Marie: Is it true?


Marie: What you said back inside my house, did you lose your family?

Frank sighs as he puts another nail in the post.

Frank: Yeah,  It's all true.

Marie paused and then said

Marie: I'm sorry to hear about your family.

Frank: They were good people. They had big hearts and they welcomed anyone into their family......even me.

Marie: You know you could just stop.

Frank paused as he heard her say that

Frank: Stop?

Marie: Yes Stop, you don't have to keep killing people. If your parents are as good as you say they are then they won't blame you for their deaths. They would want you to live a happy life free from pain and torment. Believe I would know I am a mother after all.

Frank nodded his head.

Frank: I've thought about it before, just quitting and putting down my guns. But I can't I need to see this through not just for my parents but for myself. I......I need to make sure those men that took my family from me can never hurt anyone again.

Marie: And then what? You'll still be a wanted man frank.

Frank: Maybe, but at least I'll have the satisfaction of knowing the assholes who killed my family payed for their actions and will never hurt anyone again.

Marie was about to reply to frank when. Robin intervened.

Robin: Marie, we would like for you too be in our little intervention with Megan.

Marie: Of course

Robin looked at frank uneasily

Frank: Go ahead have your little intervention with her.

Robin: How-

Frank: Oh for god sake robin she almost looks like a complete copy and past of Marie Logan from when she was younger.

Robin: But still how did you know?

Frank: Marie looked familiar so when I looked around the house I found what she looked like when she was younger. Then Garfield told me about her early years acting and that was it.

Robin nods

Frank: Go talk to her she needs you guys....

Robin: Right

Robin then heads out as frank begins repairing the fence.

A few minutes go by as frank gets towards the more outer part of the field. Frank then sees men in military uniforms heading towards the house. Frank follows them and makes a call on his cell phone to miss m.

Miss m: Frank?

Frank: Megan you've got military coming your way from the south maybe more get Marie and Logan to low ground.

Miss m: What? But how could they track us?

Frank: They May have tailed your from we're you came in.

Frank then hangs up.

Frank drops down from a tree landing on a guard killing him. Frank then grabs the other guard and uses him as a human shield. Frank takes the dead guards gun and throws the body at the last guard. The guard moved him out of the way but before he can react frank shoots him in the head.

Frank then hears gunshots off in the distance he moves to see the team had taken down most if not all the guards.

Megan: is everyone ok?!

Frank then sees Garfield trying to free the animals as the last soldier gets back up and throws a grenade at Garfield. Frank runs moving Garfield as fast as he can but the grenade still goes off blowing up next to Garfield and frank.

The two of them fall to the floor both having major third degree burns

Marie: Garfield!!

Miss m runs to them checking their pulses.

Miss m: We need to get them both medical attention now!!

Inside unknown amount of time passed

Frank wakes up to see himself on a mattress on the floor. His body was covered in ice pack and his wounds were all bandages up.....again.


Artemis: Easy frank you just had a grenade blown up on you.

Frank: How's the kid?

Artemis: Don't you want to hear about yourself first?

Frank: I'll be fine, what about the kid?!

Artemis: Miss m is giving him a blood transfusion. Hopefully it will save his life.


Artemis:this isn't your fault you know. You took a lot of the blast. Your arms and legs should be blown apart. In fact the burns were so bad that we started seeing bone.

Frank: Yeah I feel it.

Artemis: Do not move...Listen a lot of us don't like what you do mainly robin and kid but I saw you trying to get Garfield to cover and so did miss m and Connor. We know that your not insane.

Frank: Thanks, that means a lot.

Then darkness took him as frank passed out from exhaustion.

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