Chapter 3

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I don't own anything

Police office

The team was currently with the Russian who's name turned out to vimir.

Aqualad: Alright tell us what you know about this army and we'll see to it that you get witness protection.

Vimir: Alright, first off us Russians aren't the only gang these guys are coming after.

Aqualad: Yes we heard about what happened to the Chinese and Irish.

Vimir: Yeah but you don't know who he's going after next.

Aqualad: Are you saying you know who there targeting next?

Vimir: Yes, they plan on going after the Dogs of hell next.

Robin: How do you know?

Vimir: We've been scouting the dogs of hell for a while now and just like us they been suffering many loses with the same results, no survivors.

Robin: Any idea where they are now?

Vimir: Where heard that they where recently getting a resupply from the cartel. Military grade weapons and their suppose to receive them at this address.

Vimir writes the address down and hands it to aqualad.

Aqualad: Ok thank you. Kid take miss Martian with you and check out this address and see if you can find our shooter me and the others are going to look over any other files the cops might have on this shooter.

Kid: Got it

Miss Martian: Right

As they left Aqualad continued the interrogation.

Aqualad: Is their anything else you can tell us about this army?

Vimir: I'm sorry that's all I know I swear! Please don't let those monsters get to me please!

Robin: Hey it's alright. Well keep you safe.

With miss M and Kid flash

Miss martians POV

We made our way to the address that Vimir gave us, which turned out to be some sort of meat shop or something.

We opened the door but found nobody at the counter. I dinged the bell but I got no response. Getting curious me and kid went further into the shop finding no evidence that anyone was here.

Finally we made our way to the meat locker we opened and looked around, nothing out of the ordinary so far.

Kid: Do you think Vimir was lying about the Cartel being here?

Miss M: No way, he I used my telekinesis on him to check, he was telling us nothing but the truth.

Kid: Ok then maybe the Cartel just decided to bail.

Miss M: Maybe....wait kid turn that meat hook around I think their something stuck on it.

Kid: Oh no way am I touching a dead pig on a meat hook.

Miss M: Alright fine.

Miss M uses her mind to move the dead pig only to a human hooked on the other side

Miss M: Aaaahhh!!


They both stumble and fallback into the next two rows. Only to find that the remains of the Cartel have been left to die on meat hooks. Miss M put her hands over her mouth crying while kid flash stood their stunned trying to process what's going on.

Miss M: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!!!

Kid: Holy shit!! T-this c-c-can't be happening.

Miss M: Wally what's going on!!

Kid: I've got no clue Megan!!

Then they hear one of the Cartel members spew out blood. The two of them quickly rush and make their way towards him. Miss M uses her telekinesis to get the man off the hook and then places him on the ground gently.

Kid: Hold on we'll get you help!!

Man: more pain

Kid: But you'll die.

Man: won't make it in time anyway.(cough)

As they both realize that this man is dying they decide to ask him some finale questions.

Miss Martian: Please tell us why did this happen?

Man: Took our guns and money then butchered the rest of us.

Kid: Where are they now?

Man: No they!'s one man

Kid: What?! Your saying one man did all this!


Kid: Miss M!

Miss M: He's not lying kid.

The man then succumbs to his wounds leaving a terrified ms Martian and kid flash

kid: We have to tell the others.

Miss M: your right let's go.

As they leave however a figure appears from the shadows revealing it to be Frank Castle.

Frank: Well shit

Later with the others

Superboy: Wait one guy is doing all this!!

Miss M: Apparently and now he stole enough military weapons to take out half the city.

Aqualad: This is very troubling, until we get more information we highly suggest for you to stay with the authorities mr vimir.

Vimir: You don't have to tell me twice!!

Aqualad: alright gang lets head home and report what we saw.

Mount Justice

Batman: So this man has been slaughtering criminal gangs with military precision.

Wonder Woman: And you said he left some of his victims to die on meat hooks?

Miss M: Yes Wally and I witnessed first hand. The last one was barely alive before he told us the info.

Black Canary: Jesus, thank you for the information. We're going to do everything in our power to find the man responsible for this.

Miss M: Wait that's it? You don't want us to help out or anything?

Batman: This man is far to dangerous to be left to the team. We will take action as the justice league and make sure he is handed to the authorities.

Connor: So what where expected to just wait around while the justice league takes care of this! This is our home and their is a murder on the loose causing havoc!!

Canary: And we will contact you if you are needed again as Batman said this is beyond the team. Maybe when you guys have a few more years of experience you can join this mission till then be patient.

The team then disbanded clearly angry with their mentors decision.

Canary: You know their not going to listen to us right?
Batman: I'm counting on it, where stretched out thin as it is. If the team can investigate these murders then it could be a faster than us taking direct action.

Wonder Woman: Batman ever the Tactian.

Batman: Maybe but this new player is no slouch either. He's trying to use military tactics to put the fear of god into all the criminal gangs in Happy Harbor?

Canary: Military tactics?

Wonder Woman: In war armies would often impale or crucify their enemies in order to get the enemy to fear them. This man is using that tactic to tear apart the gangs confidence in one another.

Batman: Yes it makes we wonder what kind of monster are we dealing with here?

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