Chapter 23

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I don't own anything

Frank had found himself handcuffed to the bed by boy wonder. The others were probably talking about him and what they are planning to do with him. He found Marie next to him looking stressed,annoyed and kind of depressed.

Frank: Well, this could have gone better.

Marie: You think?!

Frank: if the speedster wasn't here I might have been able to get away.

Marie: You know they could kill you right?!

Frank laughed

Frank: Lady, these hero types never kill anybody that's their one pet peeve. And there not going to be throwing me in some lousy jail either.

Marie: And why is that?

Frank: Because, now I know who they all are.

Living room

Kid: Holy shit!! What is he doing here!!

Robin: I don't know, Artemis do you have any clue why he's here?

Artemis: No, but maybe Megan can read his mind?

Megan: I tried, but he has some sort of mental barrier protecting his mind. I can't penetrate it.

Megan looked to the floor as everyone could tell that she was depressed.

Robin: Connor, is that really-

Connor: Yeah, that's frank alright. Assholes gonna pay for hurting megan!

Artemis: Let's not jump to conclusions here. If frank is here that means theirs gotta be something bigger going on here.

Kid: How do you suppose we get the info out of him? Mind readings not gonna work he's protected from that.

Connor cracks his knuckles

Connor: Intimidation was always my strong suite.

Robin: Connor we can't intimidate him his mind is too far out of reach. Remember this is the same guy that took out bane.

Connor then grumbles in annoyance

Megan: Their is one other way.

Kid: Well feel free to share.

Megan: We can reason with him.

Kid: please tell me your joking.

Robin: No, she's right if frank is here that means theirs a lot more that we don't know. Information is crucial for us to complete the mission. We may have to just strike a deal
With him.

Kid: So he can go out on his killing spree again?!

Artemis: Wally! Think about this for a moment! We either learn more about queen bees plans to take over Qurac or we walk in blind and cause an international incident.

Kid thought for a moment before answering

Kid: Fine let's get this over with.

Connor: I can't believe we're going through with this.

Kid: Me either.

Megan: Wait!

Everyone then turned to megan.

Megan: Maybe I should talk to him. I know him the best out of all of us. He may listen to me.

Connor: Megan, we can't leave you alone with that psycho!

Megan: Connor! He's still out friend remember! and right now we need to find out why our friend is doing these things!

Connor: But he lied to us!!

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