Chapter 17

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I don't own anything

Ruby was currently playing on the swing set laughing along with the other kids while Cass was  pushing her on the swing set helping her go higher and higher.

Frank was over at the bench resting when someone in very approached him him and sat beside him.

???: it seems you and Cassandra are doing well together.

Frank: I'm sorry who are you?

The woman smirked at him and replied

???: I am lady shiva Cassandra's mother and informant in the league of shadows.

Frank: Lady shiva huh? Well wasn't expecting you here. So what brings you to Happy Harbor?

Shiva: I have information to tell Cassandra, but as of right now I wished to watch her and see how she is doing. I must say she is starting to create a strong bond with the child........and you mr castle.

Frank: I'm flattered that you think that but me and Cass are just allies nothing more.

Shiva: I don't believe that, if she were just another ally I doubt you would have be so attached to her as she is to you. You both trust in each other fully and you both seem to care deeply about each other.

Frank: Ok, we maybe not than allies but that doesn't mean we should pursue romance.

Shiva: Why not?

Frank sighs

Frank: Shiva.....we both know how this is going to end for me. I'll either be killed by the league of shadows or thrown in a prison to rot. Either way I'm only going to bring misery to both Cass and Ruby. I done want them to have their lives ruined because of me.

Shiva: So you believe time is not on your side mr. castle. Cassandra has the knowledge to break you out of any prison in the world. She was trained my me and Kane after all.

Frank: Yeah but she can't prevent death from doing its job.

Shivas raises an eyebrow

Shiva: You believe that death is coming for you mr. Castle?

Frank: It's come for my family and I'm the only one left standing. Im scared that after I take out the league then that's when death will finally come for me. Knowing Cass she'll blame her self for not seeing this coming-

Shiva: That is pathetic

Frank: What?

Shiva: Your excuse its pathetic, mr castle we do not get to choose our time. That is what makes life meaning full knowing that your days are numbered and eventually will come to an end. You have two choices in front of you mr castle you can run and hide and wait for your inevitable demise or you can enjoy your life and cherish what you have left the decision is ultimately yours.

Shiva then walks away to talk to Cassandra as castle thinks on what she just said.

Cass then walks to frank

Cass: Frank my mother has given me new intel about our enemies wereabouts we should-

Frank: Yeah, hey Cass I've got a question.

Cass: Ok what is it?

Frank: I was wondering if maybe you, or maybe we could- ah fuck it.

Frank then kisses her on the lips and she replies by kissing back.

Cass: Well it's about damn time. What took you so long?

Frank: Just had to get the courage.

Cass and frank kiss for a while until

Cass: Frank I've got information on a league hideout Talia will be there are you okay with dealing with her?

Frank: As ready as I ever can be.

Ruby: Cassy And franky sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g!!

The two of them laugh

Frank: Okay squirt that was pretty funny.

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