Chapter 7

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I don't own anything

Frank was currently reloading all his weapons in order to make sure he was ready for the fight. Frank was a very tactical man so just in case Franks van was ever destroyed he packed a few weapons and explosive in his hotel room just in case something happened to the van.

It had been a few days since he met Artemis and Paula, during this time he learned that Paula was once known has huntress and was now retired due to her "circumstances". They had moved to a warehouse near the docks of Gotham. From their it was easy to place traps and store weapons without getting caught by police or fear of innocent people getting endangered.

Artemis just then entered the room where Frank was finishing reloading.

Artemis: I want to.......apologize for attacking you ealier-

Frank: You where protecting your family. I would have done the exact same thing in your place, so believe me when I say you have nothing to apologize about.

Artemis: Still, I don't want to be rude but I need to know. Why are you doing this? This isn't your fight and you could die from this attack.

Frank paused for a moment and sighed.

Frank: I'm doing this because I care. You are a good person at heart and so is your mother. All you guys want is to live in peace. You should not have to fear monster or ruthless assassins coming after you. Especially with the state your mothers in. I have my own code and part of it is to never abandon an innocent person that is in need.

Artemis was shocked by this. She had read about the brutal killings about the punisher when they where moving her mom. How he his the boogeyman of the underworld that will mercilessly slaughter anyone in his path. And yet here he is helping two people with little to no money all because he believe it's the right thing to do.

Frank then heard shouting from the distance

Frank: Get ready. Their coming.

Artemis nodded and put on her mask


Their where fifteen henchmen in business suits all holding silenced machine guns with their boss KGBeast behind them.

Their where fifteen henchmen in business suits all holding silenced machine guns with their boss KGBeast behind them

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KGBeast: Spread out! Find the woman and put a bullet in her head!

He thugs began to spread out exactly as Frank planned it to happen.

Thug 1 looked down an ally holding his gun out ready to fire thinking he heard something not. As he walked down the ally frank jumped down and stabbed him in the throat. Drowning him in his own blood before throwing he body off to the side.

Thug 2 went into one of the warehouse using the flashlight on his gun to monitor anything out of the ordinary. The thug then tripped a wire causing an arrow to come flying and it hit him in the throat also causing him to drown in his blood.

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