Chapter 5

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I don't own anything

Batman and black canary where currently with the police commissioner. Talking about the new vigilante in Happy Harbor.

Batman: So what information do you have on this man commissioner.

Com: this man he's tracking gangs to their home turf and taking them out with military precision.

Batman: Do you have a motive to why he's going this

Com: That's what's driving the DA batshit crazy. We've got no idea why he would want to take out all these gangs.

Canary: So we have an independent shooter that takes out criminal gangs with military force.

Com: It doesn't stop their either.

Canary: What do you mean?

The commissioner then showed them more photos of dead criminals.

Com: Any of them that manage to escape, well......he gets them too.

Canary: Holy shit,

Batman: He's a very determined one I'll give him that.

Com: That's putting in mildly, those murders where taken place in blackgate and other local prisons holding any of the gang members he's gone after.

Batman: What about ones that surrendered to police custody in exchange for protection?

The Commissioner then pulls more photos of dead criminals

Com: he finds them.

Canary is horrified at what she sees.

Canary: What kind of man does such horrible things. Slaughter so many people in such little time.

Batman: He's seems to be very resourceful. If he's able to sneak his way into Blackgate and get away with murder who knows what else he is capable of.

Com: In all my years on the force I've never seen anything like this, Hell they even gave this guy a code name.

Canary: A code name? What is it?

Com: The punisher

Gotham city

Frank had just made his way down to Gotham city, using a van that he "borrowed" from the Irish he drove  down to a hotel where he got ready for his next mission.

Knowing that this was the Batman's home turf Frank new he had to be prepared for the absolute worse case scenario. He had spent weeks studying Batman fighting style along with robins in order to counter the fighting abilities.

Frank packed heavy with his rocket launcher and mini gun in the van loaded and ready for action. Frank that puts on his punisher body armor.

 Along with a helmet to preserver his identity

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Along with a helmet to preserver his identity

 Along with a helmet to preserver his identity

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Frank: Alright, let's get this done.

Frank drove his way down to the rocky red bar. This is where black masks goons and the Russians where suppose to make their weapons exchange. Since happy Harbor wasn't safe the survivors of the gang wanted to get to Gotham knowing the dark knight would never kill them. Believing the Punisher wouldn't have the balls to invade The bats turf out of fear.Oh how wrong they where.

As soon as Frank sees them and once all civilians where clear he looked through his scope saying.

Frank: One batch......two batch......penny and dime.

Frank then fired the rocket right at the gang members blowing them all straight to Hell. Burning bodies littered the streets as the remaining gang members saw Castle and went chasing after him. Little did they know that was exactly what Frank wanted.

Once the surviving Russians and black mask members finally catch up and corner frank they begin to laugh.

Black mask member: No where to run asshole!and theirs no where to hide!

Frank: Who said I was hiding from you?

Frank then pulls the mini gun out of his van and aims it at the survivors.

Black mask goon: Oh, son of a bitch

Punisher: You fuckers can't hide from me!!

Frank then opens fire shredding all the gang member. Limbs flew all over the place as the street was completely bathed in blood. The scream of gang members could be heard from miles away before they where eventually silenced.

Once Frank counts them all making sure each and everyone of them is dead he then puts his mini gun away and gets in the van leaving before any authorities can catch up to him.

As frank starts driving down the alley he notices the batmobile coming close to him.

Frank: Figures he'd show.

The batmobile fires a grapnel hook into the van causing frank to lose control of the car. Frank decides to bail taking multiple grenades and pulling their pins out. Frank jumps out of the van as the van hits the batmobile blowing both vehicles up.

Frank new that wasn't enough to take down the bat as Batman was part of the strongest team known to man. So frank goes on top of the rooftop to survey the situation not dropping his guard for a second. As frank focuses he hears the sound of running feet coming towards him.

Frank ducks out of the way as Batman tries to punch him in the back of the head. Frank counters him by uppercutting him in the jaw and then follows it up by kicking Batman in the stomach.

The two then begin strike and counter each other over and over again with brute force trying take down the other as fast as they can. Eventually Batman gains the upper hand by using the wall to jump kick frank in the face. Batman then presses the advantage by combing him with multiple punches until frank fall to the ground. As Batman is about to get close enough to take off his mask frank headbuts him and pulls the gun he was hiding in his knee holster

Frank: Bang.

Frank then sheet Batman in the face causing him to fall over onto the ground knocking him out. Frank slowly makes his way to Batman knowing it could be a ruse. But once he gets close he hears something from the cowl.

???: Master Bruce!! Master Bruce do you hear me!!

Frank moved Batman body over making sure he was still alive (which he was). Frank noticed that he had shot off a part of the bats mask. So frank removed the broken piece to see who the bat was only to find Bruce Wayne!

Frank: Well then.....Things just keep getting more interesting.

One batch two batch penny and dime Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora