Chapter 22

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I don't own anything

Frank began waking looking at his surroundings he noticed that he was in somebodies house. He also noticed that his hands and feet where tied to both corners of the bed.

He was also patched up from his run in from deathstroke but he couldn't find his armor or weapons anywhere. Just then the door opened to the sight of a red haired woman pointing his own pistol at him.

Woman: Don't move!

Frank: Kind of hard when you've tied me to the bed ma'am.

Woman: I know who you are! You that crazy lunatic in the US! The punisher!!

Frank: Easy ma'am I don't want to hurt anybody. I just want to take my stuff and go.

Woman: Your not going anywhere!! Until I figure something out!! Now why were you so close to my home and what are you doing here and Qualec!!

Frank then realized that the only way to get this woman to calm down was to tell the truth.

Frank: I was here to destroy a league of shadows base up on the northern stream of the river. However I was caught off guard by one of the assassins and I had to escape by jumping into the river.

Woman: And are those assassins coming after you now!!

Frank: It was only one and no because I saw him explode with my own two eyes.

Frank then continues

Frank: Listen......if your going to shoot me then shoot me. But seeing as you put all this work into fixing me up I doubt that you believe I'm the monster in all this. Especially with queen bee trying to take over the place. Now we can run around in circles all day talking about ideologies or you can tell me where my stuff is and I'll be on my way.

Their was a silence between them before the woman spoke again

Woman: How do I know you won't hurt me or my son.

Frank: I don't hurt innocent people or children that's my number one rule. Look at the reports about me they'll only conform what I'm saying.

Another silence follows but then the woman cuts the ropes holding frank to the bed.

Woman: Your going to have to stay here a few days. Your wounds are serious enough that if they reopen they will kill you.

Frank: Two days and then I'll get out of your hair lady.

Woman: my name is Marie by the way Marie Logan.

She extends her hand and frank shakes it

Frank: Frank, Frank Castle

Marie: Well it's nice to meet you frank. Your stuff is in the closet downstairs my son Garfield will show you where it is. Garfield!

Then a small boy came into the room.

Garfield: Yes mom?

Marie: Please show mister castle here where we put his stuff.

Garfield: Oh, ok then follow me!

Frank then followed Garfield downstairs

Garfield: So are you like a spy or something?!

Frank: no

Garfield: Are you like some sort of superhero?!

Frank: No

Garfield: Are you a soldier?!

Frank: Something like that.

Finally they reach the closet and Garfield opens it revealing Franks gear.

Garfield: This is all we could find on you. Mom says some of this stuff is dangerous and she said she would ground me if I touched any of it.

Frank chuckled saying

Frank: Sounds like you have a pretty smart mom.

Garfield: But she's so bossy and she can so annoying.

Frank then remembered his original family how his mother was. She loved despite all of the things he had to do to get them out of Kandahar. They knew what he was and they still treated him like family. And now their gone because of him.

Frank. Garfield right?

Garfield: Yup that's my name!

Frank: Listen Garfield, I know what I'm about to say isn't going to make much sense now but it will when your older. You need to treasure these moments with your mother.

Garfield: Why? Nothing happens here?

Frank: You don't know that kid. Things can change in a matter of seconds. All of a sudden what you think you'll always have is no longer their. And all you feel is regret and remorse for doing more.

Garfield was listening looking down thinking about his relationship with his mother.

Frank: Listen kid, just love her ok. Make sure she knows that. Because you never know what can happen tomorrow.

Garfield: Ok.

Garfield looks up and smiles at frank and frank smiles back.

After getting his gear frank tries to make communication with Cass but she still hasn't responded. Most likely because queen bee is blocking a lot the signals here.

Garfield and his mother went out to do some of their daily routine and they said that they would be back in a few hours. However as frank was resting on he bed the Home phone went off. Curious frank picked up the phone to reveal the Marie was on the line.

Marie: Frank is that you?!

Frank: Yeah it's me what's going on.

Marie: Listen we found some people in costumes. They saved us from a herd of antelope but they coming over here. And they'll be here soon so hide!

Frank: Ok thanks Marie!

Just as the call ended frank saw a familiar speedster running towards the house along with a few others from his team.

Thinking fast frank parkoured up in the ceiling of the living room. Staying their as the speedster made his way inside the house.

Speedster: Sweet, nice digs kiddo!

Garfield: Thanks!
The others also made their way here including miss Martian, Superboy, and Artemis.

Frank looked at Superboy and realized that this was Connor from his high school and while taking a better look at the Martian he noticed she looked a lot like Marie and exactly like Megan from his high school only green.

That's when it hit him, she's got to be megan! The girl he tutors after school!! Holding in his surprise he noticed that one of the stitches on his right arm has be reopened. Blood was about to drop, and in his current position their was little to nothing he could do to stop it without giving away his position.

The blood eventually fell off the wound and landed on Artemis shoe

Artemis: What the-

She looked up to see frank castle hanging from the ceiling .

Artemis: Guys! Look up!

Wally: Why? What so important-

Everyone was in shock to see frank castle hanging on the roof trying not to be noticed

Frank: Shit

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