Chapter 4

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I don't own anything

The next day at Happy Harbor high school.

Frank was currently reading a history book for his class in the library.

???: Frank, I was wondering where you were.

Frank looked up to see what was Megan from yesterday.

Frank: Oh.....uh Megan right?

Megan: Yup that's me I was just wondering if you where adjusting properly since the school assigned me as your mentor.

Frank: Mentor?

Megan: Yeah well you see......since you arrived a little later in the year they want me to help get you caught up with any school work.

Frank: Oh well I think I can manage on my own ma'am.

Megan: (yawn) hey common it's my first time doing at least give me a chance.

Frank: Fine.

Megan: Alright.

Frank: One condition though.

Megan: What is it?

Frank: Tell me why your so exhausted? Yesterday you where more hyper than a twelve year old at a candy store. But now you look like you wanna pass out on the table right here.

Megan: see I'm part of a club after school and we ummm we had a project to do that was sooo long believe me you want no part in it!

Frank: Aren't most clubs here done by five o clock though.

Megan: This is a.......special club! Yeah few people get into it so......yeah! In fact I'm not suppose to talk much about it so let's move on!

Frank didn't believe what she was saying it didn't add up at all like she was making it up at the spot. But he let it go for now deciding to look into this club later.

The two the started to do their homework together however when it came to mathematics and chemistry Frank seemed to be teaching Megan rather than the other way around. Frank was spending most of his time correcting Megan's work showing her faster ways to complete the work.

Frank: Now just carry the eight and what do you get?

Megan: x=29.78 oh my god! I've been struggling with this forever! How are you so good at this.

Frank: A lot of practice and patience but eventually I got it down to a science.

Megan: Your a genius your able to solve problems like these in your head! Why aren't you in some of the math clubs? You would be their ace in the hole!

Frank: I have other after school activities I attend and those come before anything else.

Megan: Oh, but what about being in the AP classes I'm sure you'll breeze right through them.

Frank: Maybe but I prefer not to get involved with all this extra classes. I want to keep things as simple as possible so I'm not distracted.

Megan: Man those after school activities must be important or something.

Frank: Probably just as important as yours.

Megan: Fair enough, hey I was wondering if you wanted to sit by me at lunch tomorrow. I notice that you tend to eat by yourself and it would be nice to have a few other friends in the school.

Frank smiled at her

Frank: Sure Megan just don't count on me being the most talkative one.

Megan: I don't worry we already have a motormouth with us his name is Wally and let's just say he's one of a kind.

Frank: Alright I'll see you at lunch then.

Megan: See you at lunch.

Lunch break

Frank grabbed his lunch and was looking for a place to sit when Megan signaled him over to her table. Frank then sat next to her along with another red headed kid a muscular black haired one with plain dark shirt and what seemed to be her team from cheerleader practice.

Megan: Frank! I'm so glad you can join us!

Frank: Yeah well I never go back on my word ma'am.

Girl to the right: Oh, he's a polite one!

Girl to the left side: Look at those muscles their huge!

???: Oh come on! Five seconds here and he already a ladies man!

Megan: Oh come on Wally give him a chance he seems like a nice guy.

???: Seems doesn't mean he is.

Megan: Chill Connor I'm his mentor for goodness sake!

Frank: Ok well I'm standing right here so, yeah.

Megan: Oh I'm so sorry don't mind them their just protective that's all. So what's going on with you frank?

Frank: Well I'm heading to Gotham city for a few days to talk to some relatives their.

Girl on right: Hey be careful their. That city is insane with all the lunatics and criminals their you going to need to watch yourself.

Franks thoughts: Oh I'm counting on it.

Frank: Don't worry this isn't my first Rodeo through Gotham city and it won't be my last probably. What about you guys anything special?

Megan: Well I'll be hanging out with Wally and Connor for the weekend. So maybe next week you and me can try hanging out.

Frank: Hell I think it's worth a shot

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