Chapter 19

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I don't own anything

Gordon Godfrey: Alright folks listen up! I've got some shocking news to share with you. As of yesterday one of the most feared killer in South America was killed last night!! To give you a run down folks this man named bane was complete monster, his gang would enslave Woman! Dealt a special drug all over the US called venom to anyone willing to buy children included and now Someone has finally put them down!!

Gordon: Now I know what you all are thinking, was it the police who finally stopped him. No, has the justice league finally decided to take off the training wheels and stop the monster. No, of course they won't they don't have the guts to do it. But then Gordon who did it?

Gordon: Well ladies and gentlemen it turns out that their is a new vigilante out their that isn't afraid to put down these murders. Police reports say that this man is called the punisher and he targets criminal gangs.

Gordon: Recently this man wiped out the following criminal gangs. The Chinese,dogs of hell, the Russians, the Irish and now bane and the shadows seem to be in this mans scope!

Gordon: Now personally ladies and gentlemen let me tell you I truly believe men like this are necessary! We keep trusting these vigilantes and all they do is through these men back
Into their cells.  A few years ago we never had to deal with these meta humans but now they pop up like weeds!!

Gordon: We need some one that can strike fear into these criminals to show them that we mean business!! I think we need this punisher because of scum like bane is allowed to roam the streets, what else is out their?

The tv shuts off as Batman looks at his fellow colleagues consisting of Wonder Woman black canary, green arrow, Superman, and Martian manhunter.

Wonder Woman: It seems the punisher has started to gain some popularity.

Green Arrow: How is he getting so popular? He's a killer for crying out loud!

Batman: It's because people think that what he's doing is justified. They believe our way of doing this is broken so they should take it upon themselves to fix it.

Superman: But......isn't that what we do?

Green arrow: No! We arrest them we don't put bullets in their heads!

Wonder Woman: So this punisher has become some sort of spirit of vengeance. Dealing punishment to those he believes deserve it.

Batman: Yes And we need to stop him now before he starts killing again.

Black canary: But-

Everyone then turned to black canary it looks like she was about to say something but stopped green arrow spoke up.

Batman: Dina, you've been quiet this whole time, what do you know about this guy?

Green arrow: Listen Batman I don't think-

Black canary: Let me speak for myself Ollie.

That shut up green arrow quick

Black canary: When he captured me, I noticed that he acted very military like a veteran of some sorts. It took some digging but eventually I got his first name. It's frank.

Canary pauses for a moment

Batman: Go on

Canary: I decided to do some research to see if I could narrow down who he was and I got my answers but......

She then goes on the computer and plays a video voice mail.

???: name is frank castle.....please I'm begging you anybody in the justice league. My family was murdered a few weeks a shootout at yellow park......I have evidence of who these people where....and I can identify faces........please call me back.......please nobody at the police department will listen to me.... your my only hope.

She then plays another voice mail.

Frank: Hello my name is frank castle again calling justice league headquarters.  Please this is urgent.....I want justice for my family....please ....I can identify people and I have evidence please help me.

She play another message

Frank: Please Justice me back you are all the only hope I have now....

She plays the finale message. people say that your the justice league.....justice for all.......and yet for people like me,the small people who just want to live their couldn't give less of a shit about us.  My family believed in you.....hell I believed in you.....but I guess that was too much..... I did everything I was suppose to but nobody will take my case. Well that's fine I guess I'm on my own like always.........I just hope you bastard here this so you know........who the real monster are.

The message ends their

Everyone was shocked upon hearing the finale message

Canary: His name is frank castle.......he moved here in order to escape a life of persecution and injustice with his adopted family. Good kid managed all a's in school teachers loved him. Worked two extra jobs to help pay for his parents house. One day they decided they want to go out and have a picnic at yellow park.

She then places folders consisting of all the shooters at yellow park.

Canary: Then the Chinese, Russians,Irish and the dogs of hell start shooting everywhere killing a lot of people including frank and his own family. These people where suppose to be in prison already but they broke out of prison and planned to betray each other at yellow park.

Silence swept the room as canary continues

Canary: Did.....we.....create the punisher?

Silence again as nobody truly new the answer to the question.

Superman: We should have done more........theirs no questioning that, but we can learn from this. Where here to help people, no matter the situation. From now on we need to continuously check the league line so something like this won't happen again. As for the punisher.....we need to bring him in no matter what he's been through......after that we could what we can and see if we can help him. Or if he'll give us the chance.

Everyone agreed as they all separated for there separate duties

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