hjs ♡ .27

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those exams weren't as difficult as i anticipated them to be. of course i hadn't been the brightest student until minho and the rest of the gang came along. even felix managed to pass most of his exams. the best part of exams finally being over was that i finally got to see minho regularly again.

it was about 8pm and we were both getting ready for the party. we had spent the morning getting breakfast and doing a bit of shopping at the convenience store. we bought different bags of chips and a case of craft beer. we didn't want to show up empty-handed.

we went to each of our dorms to get ready since i was planning on going all out tonight. seungmin wasn't really one for parties, but i begged him to at least judge me on how i looked considering i didn't have hyunjin there to do it for me.

i ended up wearing a silky striped white and blue button up that was half tucked into my black jeans. i wore a pair of black dress shoes and an assortment of accessories. i did my make up on the smokier side and parted my hair down the middle, showing my face a bit more. i even put in colored contacts.

"how do i look?" i asked, turning around to face seungmin.

"oh wow, where'd my bumass roommate go?" he teased, giggling as i threatened him with a pillow.

"seriously, do i look good?" i questioned, not even sure why i thought seungmin would give me a straightforward honest answer.

"don't worry jisung, you look good. minho would think you looked good in a trash bag so don't even stress." he smiled his menacing smile, but there was a hint of assurance behind it.

"alright, i'll be on my way." i grabbed the essentials along with the grocery bag of chips and my puffy coat. i walked down the hallway and stood in front of minho's door, knocking on it.

"just a minute" he called behind the door. after a few minutes, he opened the door with the case of beer in his hand. once he looked up to me, i knew i was in trouble. people were definitely going to hit on him looking like that.

he had on a black turtleneck that hugged his chest along with a pair of brown dress pants. his hair was styled but not too styled. the tousles of his hair were wavy, giving him an effortless look. he wore make up, but not too much. just enough to accentuate his gorgeous features. i'd thought i'd already seen him at his best, but he kept proving me wrong.

"ready?" he asked as he smiled at me, pulling his trench coat off a hanger. i nodded and smiled back at him.

"i wanna go too!" jeongin whined.

"not yet, next year. when you're an adult." minho told him as he pulled his keys and phone off the coffee table. jeongin pouted but accepted it. "jisung, you look sexy!" he exclaimed as he waved goodbye to me. i blushed since minho also turned to look at me.

"hey, stop flirting with my boyfriend before i tell a certain someone." minho raised his eyebrow and smirked at jeongin.

"oh, well in that case. jisung, you look like a troll doll." he said giggling, showing off his newly braceless smile.


fuck you author-nim

minho giggled and took my free hand in his. "see you later, jeongin." the two of us headed on our way to the party.

we ended up there around 9pm and as hyunjin promised, it was a big party. hyunjin's home was big. many colorful lights were on and music was blasting through the walls.

before we got out of the car, minho leaned over and cupped my face making me look over at him.

"jisung, i've been meaning to ask you. how exactly is your alcohol tolerance?" he asked.

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