lmh ♡ special chapter

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i was walking around campus with changbin. we had just came back from eating out. we didn't want to go to the dorms yet as it was still early.

"the campus is crowded" changbin began as he looked around. we were walking near the field now.

"you're observant" i replied sarcastically as i mimicked him looking around. he shoved me with his shoulder.

"i'm serious" changbin complained

"maybe because new people are attending." i suggested he hummed to show he was listening.

we continued walking and talking about whatever came up. we'd argue about little things like what movies were better or what flavor of ice cream was better.

"i think watermelons are the best. screw your bananas!" changbin exclaimed pointing at me. now from a distance or to the people nearby you can imagine how this sounds.

"you wish you could screw my banana! i'm the best you can ever get!" i retorted crossing my arms over my chest. he gapped like a fish as he glanced down blushing before looking away.

"d-did you r-really have to make this a d-dick joke?" he stuttered turning a little pink

"d-did you r-really just l-look d-down at my p-pants?" i mimicked he smacked my arm in return. i let out a yelp as i smacked him back.

"on a more serious note bananas are better than watermelons" i said as i walked ahead. he caught up with me sadly.

"in your dreams watermelons are truly the better and superior fruit." changbin replies

"i bet you get a boner just smelling the 'better and superior fruit' that is watermelons" i teases him as i saw his face go red. he shoved me again as he covered his face.

"y-you p-play t-too much" changbin muttered quickly. i just laughed watching him try to walk faster.

"and thinking seems to be unfamiliar territory for you" i answered he shoved me once again.

"you insult me too much min" changbin complained even though i do i know he doesn't take it to heart. i placed my arm around his shoulder to rest on.

"i'm not insulting you binnie....i'm describing you it's totally different." i defended smiling at him. i knew he'd get annoyed and i was right because he shrugged off my arm.

"do you believe in pay back because one day this will come back and bite you" changbin replies getting ready to pull out a whole slideshow i bet. i rolled my eyes at him. yeah right!

"sure when that day comes you can say 'i told you so' " i said not believing him but i'd let him. we continued on walking forgetting about the ordeal.

"do you think hot dogs are sandwiches?" changbin asked suddenly. it caught me off guard to be honest not only that he asked that but also because of how serious he looked asking that like he genuinely was questioning it. i placed my hand on his shoulder and leaned in a little bit.

"binnie i say this with the biggest concern i think you've done enough thinking for today." i answered showing how concerned i was for his well being. i mean this is the most thinking he's done since i've known him. i was getting concern for how his brain will take it. he rolled his eyes at me instead.

"min, i'm serious i'm telling you one day this is going to come back and bite you in t—" changbin was cut off.

"ah-fuck!" i screamed interrupting his stupid speech. i felt enormous pain on my left cheekbone. i clutched onto the wounded area as i let out a list of profanities. my head began ringing as i felt a little light headed. changbin had to hold me as i almost fell. i looked around to see who fucking threw that stupid soccer ball that was next to changbin's feet.

"min now isn't the time to moan" changbin replies i glared at him as he watched me with an evil look on his face. he thought this was funny i bet.

"sorry i was expressing my fucking pain binnie!" i yelled back at him.

"alright jeez calm down. getting mad won't help." changbin replied calmly since he's not in pain. great just great i can feel my cheekbone prickling me now!

"watch where you're going!" some short squirrel came running over to me. his hair was sticking to his head and beads of sweat were trickling down his forehead.

"watch where i'm going?! you should watch where you're fucking aiming you fucking idiot!" i exclaimed raising my voice if possible. he just rolled his eyes at me.

"i'll have you know i have good aim" he retorted as he placed on hand on his hip.

"yeah well your opponent is on the other fucking side! you twat!" i yelled pointing in the direction were he should have been aiming for where his friend was standing.

"it's not my fault you didn't look where you were going." he defended i can't believe he's actually going to accuse me of this!

"well gee i didn't think i'd get hit with a fucking ball! watch where you aim your balls!" i yelled getting more annoyed with this idiot. he just smirked. what the fuck was that about? why is he smirking?

"you look like the type to like balls to your face though" he teased did he fine my pain amusing?! i could hear changbin chuckling next to me as i glared the idiot in front of me.

"i don't like balls to my face." i replied through gritted teeth. my cheek is throbbing now! fuck that shit hurts!

"you've been here a long time?" he asked casually as if he didn't just hit me. is he seriously trying to start a conversation with me even though we were just arguing. and he still has that stupid smirk on his face.

"are you calling me old?" i asked him offended. i could hear changbin chuckling at that.

"no, i'm hitting on you" he replied that stupid look on his face was pissing me off. i just stared at him blankly. does he really think that was smooth?

"you have a funny way of showing it" i replied glaring at him. changbin was silently chuckling at us.

"i'm just curious. how about this i'll make it to you. it's okay if you're busy but why don't you put me on your to do list?" he suggested with a smirk. i looked at him like he had three heads and with my head ringing and throbbing it might just be possible too bad he couldn't use the first one properly no doubt he wouldn't use the other two.

"i don't wanna be associated with you" i answered him bitterly.

"oh come on. i'm sorry for hitting you. i'm just trying to help you" he answered back smiling cheekily. it doesn't seem like he wants to help or that he's sorry. who flirts with someone after they were just arguing?!

"why don't you slip into something more comfortable? like a coma" i answered back annoyed with his presence already. he seemed taken back. "hey i'm just trying to help you" i added in the same tone he gave me.

"i see i caught you in a bad time" he said as he continued.

"you don't say" i replied sarcastically as i motioned to my cheekbone.

i tried walking around him but he began following me. "if i throw a stick will you leave?" i asked stopping to look at him. he blinked at me before shaking his head. at least one of us didn't have a throbbing head. too bad it's me.

"maybe some other time then?" he asked i let out a sigh. why won't he leave me alone? if he was trying to get my attention well it worked but for all the wrong reasons.

"i like your approach but now i wanna see you leave" i snapped annoyed enough. i didn't wait for his reply and since he didn't seem to leave. i grabbed changbin's hand and pulled him to start walking. i didn't turn back whoever that kid is i do not want to see ever again. i hate him!

"i told you pay backs would come back and bite you" changbin muttered beside me. i ignored his stupid belief as i held my face walking to the nurse's office.

"i just got hit by a fucking squirrel" i muttered back.


rose garden | minsung.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ