lmh ♡ .20

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i had showed jisung around these couple of days and i'm pretty sure by now he knows his way around like a local. i even spent christmas with jisung. i gave him my christmas gift i had bought for him and he seemed to really love it which was a relief since i was nervous he wouldn't. i realized that jisung was one of sentimental value over how much it cost and let's just say it maybe made my heart flutter. for the holidays we had baked cookies and made a gingerbread house. we even had a mini fight using flour. we opened presents and spent most of the day drinking hot chocolate as we cuddled against each other. i felt truly at home and content with my life like this.

we'd lay and watch tv or go outside to build snowman's. and as the days past there's no denying that i definitely have a crush on him. i don't even think it's little at this point. i wouldn't have a problem crushing on him either. i'm sure my moms have caught on by now.

they know me pretty well and i only brought one boy home and that was woojin. they didn't say anything but i can just tell by their faces. new years is tonight and they usually throw a mini new year party. i wanna spend it with jisung and maybe even confess. but with that i know i need help.

so i texted changbin. he doesn't live far from here actually. we lived pretty close by. i was in the kitchen drinking a water bottle while i texted changbin hoping he'd answer me quickly.

"hey minho hyung you ready to go shopping before the party?" jisung asked as he walked in. i looked up from my phone and tried to think of an excuse.

"i d-don't feel so good. maybe another time" i replied quickly getting my water and phone, leaving the kitchen quickly. if i stay any longer i might give in.

changbin texted me back telling me to meet him at the park. i ran up to my room which i'm sharing with jisung. i got ready quickly. i was wearing a white turtle neck with a knitted grey sweater on top a red scarf to match my pants and a beige trench coat. i had put on a little bit of makeup on and had styled my hair up. i snuck out the window so that jisung wouldn't see me.

i ran to the park instead of taking my car hopefully jisung would believe that excuse but i doubt it. my moms are to busy getting the party ready to notice. once i reached the park i was out of breath looking for changbin. i spotted him on a bench, walking over to him.

"i need advice" i started just wanting to get to the point as i plopped down next to him.

"okay with?"

"well i wanted to confess to jisung but i don't know how" i admitted

"well you're kind of wasting time talking to me. just tell him." he responded as he smack my arm.

"ow-but how? what do i say?" i asked him as i rubbed my arm.

"just tell him how you feel. i suggest telling him tonight." he answered as he stood up. "well if that's all you're gonna tell me then i'll be off good luck and happy new year. tell me how it goes."

"i will happy new year"

i walked back home after a while. i had stayed in the back for a bit despite changbin leaving since i wanted to plan out when to tell him. changbin is right. i guess we both will be meeting up in the future to talk about our marital problems. maybe i should just tell him. i snuck into the house quietly and was walking up the stairs. jisung was laying on the couch, hopefully asleep. as i started a few steps up the stairs, i heard his voice.

"minho hyung" i heard jisung say behind. i inwardly sighed. i almost got away with it. i turned to look at him. he looked annoyed that can't be good. i began walking to my room with him hot in trail.

"what is it?" i asked as i set my phone down on the table i use to study in. jisung went and stood in front of me.

"you lied. you said you don't feel good but i saw you sneak out" jisung retorted i might as well come clean if he saw me.

"i went out to meet up with someone" i admitted however this didn't seem to make jisung anymore happy.

"you cancel plans with me to meet up with someone?!" jisung exclaimed raising his hands in the air in disbelief.

"something came up and that person needed me." i responded

"oh so that makes it okay to cancel plans with me?! am i a second option to you?!" jisung said his voice getting louder.

"n-no of course not! i didn't mean it like that." i said trying to calm him down. i can't tell him now it's a really bad time. fuck where's changbin when i need him. hell i'll even take wikihow at this point!

before he could say anymore my phone rang making our eyes snap towards it. i tried to cover my phone's screen so jisung couldn't see it but it was too late. he saw woojin's name with a heart pop up and the worst things is i never got around to change it. i always planned to but i didn't have the heart to. i could see jisung's face fall as his eyes got watery when he saw it but before i could explain to him he began walking towards his stuff. i tried stopping him but he wouldn't listen he just packed his stuff and walked out. not saying a word. he just walked out. i kept trying to make him stop by following him all the way down the stairs but guest began arriving and i lost him in the crowd of people.


rose garden | minsung.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt