hjs ♡ .13

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the next few days were great. i started to hang out with hyunjin more. somehow he'd gotten me into reading. i also got to see chan more. seungmin was doing seungmin things, probably curing cancer or something. and minho even invited felix and i to sit with him and changbin at lunch. i was shocked to see that hyunjin was there but then i remembered, they were friends.

minho and hyunjin had been friends ever since high school and hyunjin was lucky enough to get into the same university. hyunjin told me all about their adventures in high school with another group of friends which i couldn't remember the names of. they were carefree and fun, and even now i could tell they were still close.

i walked out of the library with hyunjin and he offered to walk with me to lunch. i agreed and the two of us walked down the busy hallway. we chatted about different things, but mostly about minho. minho was all that was on my mind lately, and apparently it was obvious.

"so have you told him yet?" hyunjin asked, clutching his binder to his chest. i shook my head at him.

"no, but things are getting better. we slept together." i told him.

"you guys had sex?!" he exclaimed a little too loudly, drawing in the attention of those around us.

"no no no no no!" i whisper shouted at him, placing a finger to my lips indicating to quiet down. "no, we just cuddled and stuff. i've never done anything like that. hell, i haven't even kissed anyone before." i confessed, almost too embarrassed to look at him.

"oh, me either." hyunjin admitted.

"you? the hwang hyunjin has never kissed anyone before? that's a funny joke." i said, slapping his arm lightly.

"hey, are you calling me a smooch whore?" he raised his eyebrows, playfully offended.

"with lips like those, yeah. the biggest smooch whore out there." i teased.

he stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned to me. he bent down, his face close to mine. i could feel his breath on my cheeks. "oh, so you spend time looking at my lips?"

this was the hwang hyunjin i knew. flirting effortlessly. i placed my hand on his lips. "i spend more time looking directly into the sun."

"oh shit, are we interrupting something?" i heard changbin's voice say. i turned, immidiately blushing considering we were caught in an awkward position. i looked behind changbin to see minho . his face was soft, and confused.

"n-no i-it's not w-what-" i stuttered, pointing between me and hyunjin. changbin was awaiting an answer, but he wasn't what was on my mind. i hated for minho to think something was going on between me and hyunjin. it wasn't fair. "you see, we were just studying and he asked me about kissing and i-"

"we were heading to lunch. we'll leave you guys be." changbin said, not letting me finish what i was saying. the two of them turned away.

i wanted to call after them and explain things, but hyunjin grabbed my arm before i could walk away. "don't worry yourself." he said.

"b-but what if he thinks... that we..." i mumbled.

"what?" hyunjin chuckled. "think that we kissed?"

i nodded, placing my hands behind my back and looking down at the floor.

hyunjin laughed and placed his hand on my head, ruffling my hair and messing it up. "don't get yourself so worked up." he smiled.

"should i talk to him?" i asked him for advice.

"no, he's probably not even worrying about it like you are." hyunjin assured, starting to walk in the direction of the cafeteria.

i nodded, still not completely sure everything was 'fine', but i figured leaving things the way they were now was better than saying the wrong thing and messing things up. i ran to catch up with him. we walked along side each other, hyunjin cracking jokes to lighten my mood. the mood went quiet as we approached the doors to the cafeteria.

"jisung." hyunjin said, his voice was soft but still manly as his whole persona was.

"yeah?" i answered back after he snapped me out of my thoughts.

"is he still on you're mind?"

"yeah." i replied, looking back down at my shoes.


heyyy !! if any of you watch meteor garden, dm me so we can chat about it uwu- also,, ty guys for all the reads and votes !! this chapter is super short but it was written months ago so sorry lol. the chapters get longer and better from here on out so yeahh. 💛 -mina

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