hjs ♡ .15

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i wandered through the halls, not really looking to see anyone. i kindof wanted to be alone. i passed by these guys from the soccer team. they laughed as i passed them and i honestly had enough. enough of the teasing and enough of the laughing at.

"daehyun, are you fucking done?" i said loudly to the average height boy a few feet in front of me. he wore his stupid soccer hoodie along with his minions.

he and his two other friends turned to me, their eyes wide.

"oh look, pussy boy finally has the balls to say something." daehyun said, smiling. he took steps coming closer to me.

"we all knew he had balls, remember all the pictures he sent us." his other friend said, laughing. they started to bring up things i did last year when i was still in high school. i will admit, i wasn't the most careful with things and i did send them pictures, but they asked for them...

"you guys asked for them and you know it. especially you daehyun. don't act like you didn't." i retorted, not letting them walk all over me anymore. they weren't worth the hurt.

"cause i thought it'd be a funny joke to play. i'm not even gay. but you, well you'd fuck anything that walks won't you now?" he smirked, walking even closer to me. he backed me up against a corner, standing on my shoes so i wouldn't leave.

he placed his arm against the wall blocking me in as his friends recorded him. 

daehyun was always quiet, but no one except his friends and me saw him how he really was. a jerk. a bully. he brought his hand up to my face and squished my cheeks.

i started to feel all hot and sweaty now that he was so close to me.

"it doesn't matter what i did a year ago. just leave me alone. i never did anything to you." i pleaded though my squished lips. he smirked as he saw me getting redder. "you're a damn sadist." i mumbled.

"and you're a damn virgin." he laughed. "you send all these pictures out as if you're some sex god or something, but in reality i bet no ones ever hooked up with you. have they now?" he got really close, squishing my face even harder. i squealed.

"did you just moan?" one of his friends asked. they all started to laugh as i shook my head viciously.

"disgusting." daehyun said. "you know what han? i would get with you if you weren't such an attention whore. no wonder you've got no family, nor friends." he sneered, pushing my face as he let go.

"last time i checked, this was a bully free campus?" i heard someone familiar say.

"so, what do you have to do with it coffee boy?" daehyun snickered, narrowing his eyes at chan who was a few feet away.

chan smiled as he took a few steps towards us. "well, since your buddies over here were recording, i figured you wouldn't mind if i did either."

"well, that's recording someone without permission! i could sue you!" daehyun exclaimed, his voice getting higher as he protested.

"ah you're right, but then they'd see the video i took. the one where you were actively bullying another student on school grounds. recording him without his permission as well. also, if jisung sent you any pictures last year, he would've still been a minor. you admitted on camera to asking for nude photos of a minor. do you really wanna be branded as a sex offender before you even get out of university?" chan raised his eyebrow.

daehyun and his friends were speechless. daehyun backed up from me. "this isn't over han. you better watch out." he said, storming off with his friends following.

chan walked over to me, patting my back as he gave me a hug.

"thanks chan. you always show up at the right times."

i could feel him smile before he pulled away from the hug.

"where are you heading?" he asked.

i thought for a moment. "i think i might hang out with felix or hyunjin. they share a room so i'm just gonna head to their dorm, wanna come?" i asked him.

chan shook his head. "no, i actually have a late shift today at the cafe. but i'll catch you around kid." he squeezed my shoulder and walked off. i was grateful for chan. he wasn't like daehyun. i sent him pictures and all which was dumb, but he's always been kind to me. i smiled to myself as i walked off in the direction towards the dorm.

i was walking down the hallway, approaching the room when i heard shouting. i could recognize his voice anywhere. it was minho.

"i don't think you get it! i hate him! he's a man whore! i could never have feelings for him! he just wants to get in my pants!" he shouted.

and that was the blow that knocked me out. i felt this pit in my stomach and tears well in my eyes. i always stopped my tears from falling lately, but this broke my promises. i let them fall down my cheeks.

minho was usually nice to me, even after all the pictures i'd sent him and annoying things i've done. but the worst happened. he thought of me like everyone else did. i was a disappointment to him like i was to everyone else.

i started to run. not caring where i ran and not having a destination in mind. i just continued to run, letting my tears fall behind me.

"this is why you're dad left you. this is why no one will ever love you."


dhdjnd all of these old chapters are shitty lmao,,, i'm posting this in the morning cause i'm going to the skz concert and may not have time to post it later,, ily guys sm !! 💛 -mina

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