chapter 24: interview📹

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Carly's pov
"Man, i don't feel like going to this interview! I'm too lazy.." Eric said next door. "If i were you, i rather get you're lazy ass up!" Gene yelled. I started laughing a bit as i was getting ready. As i was done, i down stairs where i saw eric sitting in the couch looking mad. I sigh and sat next to him. "Eric, i know you don't wanna go but it's just a little interview and it's going to be short i promise!" I said patting his back. He lay his head on my shoulder and sigh.

"I didn't sleep last night because i had bad prombles yesterday.." He mutter. "What happened?" I ask. I don't like being short and i look like a little kid!!" He said. What?? No you're not, you look at a men to me.." I said rubbing his back. Yes i do, gene told me i do look like a little kid when we were at the concert when you're show end.." He whispered. "Eric.." I began. Look at me, I'm short too and I'm 25 years old, that doesn't stop me for beging a little kid and you shouldn't either, it doesn't embarrass me for beging short but i do get embarrass when someone tells me i look like 16 or 15." I said to him. "Just forget what people say and start loving yourself okay?.." Just then eric hugged me and sigh. "Thanks carly, your always the girl i need ".

That sentence hit my heart and then my flashback came back.


" you're always the girl i need carly.. "
*Giggles* "i know"


(Flashback end)

I felt tears water my eyes but i fight them back. I pant slowly trying to catch my breath and then i got out from his grasp. "Y-you're welcome.." I mutter. A-anyways it's go c-catch up with t-the others.." I said. "Alight then!" He said walking away. I started following him to the car where the others were. I try not to make eye contact with them but tommy already notice. I quickly look down on the floor and praying he won't say anything. I slowly look up and notice he wasn't there anymore, he was getting in the car with the others.

I got in as well and stay quite. I was trying to stop my hands because they were trembleing a little bit, i didn't know why. I look out the window as we were heading to the place where we will do the interview.

(Minutes later)

We started walking towards the building and went inside. "Hello guys!" "Go ahead and take a seat!" The woman said. We took a seat and grab we grab our microphones. "We are so glad that you're here with-"  gene interrupt the women. "Yeah!, we are happy too! Gene said. The audience laugh and the women laugh nervously a bit.  "So i heard that this tour so going to be crazy, is there anything else that will be on the tour?" She ask."well actually, the only thing that will be on the tour is just going to the craziness and the excitement and we are really happy to be here and we are happy to do this! Paul said.

The woman nodded and look at me. "So carly, how does it feel to help these guys with the tour?" She ask. "It's really great to help them and it makes me really happy, knowing to tell you, it's really not werid that their show goes first then my show comes next, that's just the way it goes!" I said laughing a bit. The women nodded and ask a another question. "So guys, how do feel that carly is helping you out with this tour?" She ask.

"It's great!, we gald to have her with us!" Gene said. Eric and paul agree. "It's awesome to have her with us and we enjoy her company and she is a beautiful girl that is in tour with us.." Tommy said. I was so surprise and i was blushing alot. I heard some people said "aww" and that even made me blush even more. "That's so sweet of you tommy!" The women said laughing. After for a while, the interview was over and we went back to the hotel.

(Minutes later)

"Well that was great!" Eric said next door. I was brushing my hair. "Yeah it was and also, i can't believe tommy said that carly is a beautiful girl hahaha!!" Gene said. I blushed a bit as i remember. "Anyways let's go to sleep before paul kicks our ass!" Gene said. Just then everything was quite. I stop brushing my hair and sigh. ( 4 more days..) I thought. I got on the bed and lay down as i pull the covers on me. I hug a pillow that was next to me and i just stare at the roof.

('s been a while. The next chapter will be kinda short. Sorry😣. So i hope you guys are having a wonderful break and i don't know what to said next soooo uhhh,
I'll see you guys soon bye!!😂💙)

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