chapter 5: thoughts..?

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Carly's pov
I started waking up by my phone buzzing. *Sigh* "who's calling me..?" I mutter. I grab my phone and answer it. "Hello?" I mutter. "Carly, wake up!!" Katy yelled at the phone. I jumped as she yelled. "Katy! Don't yell at me in the ear!!" I said. "Now what do you want..?" I ask. "Well you are going to flip out!" She said excitedly. I got confused. "The band kiss invite us to a meeting!!". My mouth drop. "What?!!" I yelled. "I know right?!" She said happily.  "No, no, no, why would they invite us?" I ask. "I don't know! Just meet me at the building where we went to place where they have paparazzi." She said.

Then she hang up. I sigh and got up. I couldn't believe the band kiss invite me and katy to a meeting, but why tho?. I just shrugged and got dress. I went to my car and drove to the building. I park my car and walk to the building where i saw Katy. "Come on, we don't have all day!!" She said dragging me. We went inside the building and then i saw the band just standing there waiting for us. "Hello girls!" eric said. "H-hi!" Katy replied. I just wave slowly. "Come on, follow us!" Paul said walking. Me and katy follow the guys and we went to a room.

"Go ahead, take a seat anywhere!" Paul said. Katy sat down and i did the same. I notice katy was a bit shy and nervous but i was just calm and just chilling like nothing is happening. "So you wonder why we brought you here right?" Paul ask. We both nodded. "Well, we just want to ask a bit of questions and that's all.." he said. "Oh okay!" Katy replied. ( sorry guys, I'm too lazy to do this forgive me..😫😅)

After the question were done, katy wanted to take pictures with the band and that was okay with me. As i was watching katy talking to paul, i notice tommy was staring at me which it made me a bit nervous. I walk to Katy and grab her hand. " come on Katy, we gotta go!" I whisper to her. Then i started to drag her behind me. "Bye paul! I love youuuuu!!!!" Kary shouted. We got into the car and we left.

Tommy's pov
I was staring at the floor thinking about carly, not in a werid way.i didn't know why but i think she's really nice to us and confident. She could be useful for the tour. That's when gene snap his fingers in my face which it made me jump a bit. "Hey tommy whatcha thinking about?" He said with a smirk.

I blush slightly and look away. "Nothing am just thinking about the tour" i said calmly. Gene look at me for one second then shrugged and walk away.

Carly's pov
*Sigh* "finally, i can sleep.." I said as flop in the bed. I got in the covers and fell asleep.

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