hIs tRuTh

299 11 40

A/N : and I'm back babies...this one is emotional. Read special note at the end ! much love and thx. (don't forget to check out my new book, a JK fanfic "Bumped Into You" available now)



"I really want to tell you everything. I don't want to hide things from you anymore, because it's killing me from the inside. I'm suffocating, Phoebe. I'm getting lost in my lies and I can't bear it anymore, so please, just listen to my story, my truth. I'm sorry for always keeping you in the shadows about my behavior. You trusted me and expected me to trust you back when I chose to avoid talking about it. Now I can finally feel all its weight on my shoulders and I think I'm ready and I just need to tell you." he says full of honesty and tears gather in his eyes gradually. He feels them slowly running down his cheeks so he chooses to look away in shame. You also notice how his breath was ragged a little and you can't help but to feel eager to know more.

You suspect him of being behind your kidnapping years ago, or at least, of having do to something with it.

You suspect him of keeping intimate drawings of you in his journal.

You suspect him to be dealing with severe health issues, somehow depression.

You suspected him of a loads of things, and it pained your heart. It pains you become you are almost certain some of those suspicions will come to be true and it will be your breaking point.

You don't feel strong enough to face his truth, because it might destroy you more than you already are.

"Are you still willing to listen to me ?" he asks and takes you off your unpleasant thoughts, locking his brown orbs with yours.

You don't properly answer with words, still interiorly shaking from anxiety and just nod your head before leaning into him to peck his lips tenderly. Just this once, before the curtain falls.

You've been waiting for this moment of reveal for some time now, secretly wishing it never came, but here you were, soon to be facing the truth.

Your lips parts from his and only your ragged breathing can be heard in this oh so silent room.

"A-alright hum..." he mumbles and you smile at the appearance of crimson on his cheeks, he is flustered.

"I actually had written something for you a while ago, before, hum, y-you know I-I" he trails off, eyes twitching in the room in search of his precious letter. "I think I left it in my jeans back pocket though" he mumbles while scratching the back of his neck.

You nod as you remember the dreadful moment when you found him unconscious in the bathtub, he was only in his boxer briefs, his jeans were thrown messily on the floor not too far from him.

"I'm all ears Jimin." you murmur, looking at your laced fingers on your lap, not physically or mentally prepared for this, but you want it anyway.

He settles comfortably on his bed and you adjust yourself as well.

He sighs and then, it all happens,

"I always had a complicated childhood. I was never really familiar with affection, at least, not as much as I remember. My mother was drained and distant, almost as if she never wanted me, while my father" he stops and frowns "m-my father was abusive"

There he said it.

"My father would hit my mom everyday, multiple times a day actually. I would see my mom cry and try to hide her blue and purple bruises with foundation. She never talked bout it whith me.

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