The kiss

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I rolled my eyes in annoyance, already knowing who this voice belonged to.

I turned around, and here he was in all his glory, Park Jimin.

"excuse me ? what did you just say ?" I asked, obviously upset and frowning strongly

"well, I saw what she did back there" he said with a smirk plastered on his sweaty face, running his hand through his hair. A habit of his I had picked up already.

"what ? what did she do ? you obviously dreamed. Not my fault it you have some woman and woman fantasies Jimin" still annoyed, and knowing exactly what he was referring to.

He got closer, got behind me and started stroking my arms up and down. Just like Minji.

"stop, stop that right now" I pushed him away and grabbed my things when he forcefully grabbed my wrist

"why would I ?" he had now a harsh look on his face.

This guy is seriously a lunatic

Please save me tonight

"because you have absolutely no right on me, and I didn't ask you to do so"

"you did not ask me to kiss you either and yet you accepted it and kissed me back didn't you Phoebe ?" he was obviously enjoying all this.

"you know what, fine. Leave me alone please, I tired of always dealing with your mood changes. Honestly a bummer Jimin, cause we could've been friends. But your asshole personality got the best of you. I'm tired of you, honestly just leave it. Alright ?" He tilted his head in question and I walked past him, to join the others.

I suddenly felt a grip on my right wrist and got startled, I looked up at the owner of that hand, Jimin.

"you should drop the attitude, Phoebe" he let out, angrily with harsh eyes

"why would I ? You're not my dad Jimin, just fuck off" I freed myself from his grip and went off

"sure, Phoebe, sure" Jimin mumbled.

3rd person POV

After this little argument, Phoebe and Jimin did not talk to each other at all. Not once. They had developed this sort of mutual hatred towards each other, and both of them being so stubborn, they decided to not go further and try to solve things and instead ignore each other like two kids.

Weeks went by, Phoebe was adapting pretty well, her and Taehyung are still in very good terms even though she still felt a bit uncomfortable about them sleeping together a few weeks back.

The dance project was almost due, and everything was going perfectly fine until that one day during rehearsal...

Phoebe's POV

As usual we were practicing, checking the finishing touches, perfecting the whole thing. Honestly, we were really good. Even though the three of us weren't what you would call friends, we had great chemistry while dancing, it almost seemed natural for us.

Tania and I would talk randomly when needed, but I could clearly see she held grudges for that one day when she saw her "Jungkookie" sleeping on my lap. Childish of her.

Minji on the other side, wasn't necessarily rude, she was actually very sweet but too touchy and clingy. Which tend to annoy me a lot. And her affection towards me seemed to grow bigger everyday. I did not get it, until that day. When we finished performing in front of the others.

"Woww, great really, you are so in sync I approve 134340% !"

"ahaha thanks Hobi, what would we do without your joy huh ?" I replied returning the smile. I liked him so much. He was a great friend, a great person. He cared for everyone, always trying to cheer up and bringing joy in the darkest moments. I admire him like I never admired anyone before.

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