She's Mine.

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Jimin was awake all this time. Listening to your breathing, feeling your chest lifting up and down.

The latter was feeling you completely, something he had always wanted. And now he had you.

You were his, and he was yours.

His will to prove his pure and deep love for you was beyond. He knew he didn't have much time left, and he desperately needed to do something about it.

Even though the need to stay in this position with you, the love he longed for so long, in his arms and listening to your soothing heartbeat, he decided to slip the bed and go deal with a few things.

He made sure you were in deep slumber and slowly removed his muscular arms cages your tiny waist.

He already regretted the loss of your warm skin but it was for the better.

Things needed to get done.


Jimin hurried towards the meeting point, ready to clarify and set things with his best friend.

To his surprise, the latter was already there, seated on the floor, leaning on a tree.

Jimin frowned and walked faster, angry already.



"Stop that. Now" Jimin ordered to the younger, anger fuming out his body, ready to punch his best friend's face, even though they always shared so much.

But he understood that his "friend's" behavior affected his relationship with and he could not risk losing everything he had worked for, not now.

"What do you want me to stop Jimin? You know very well I can't, and you have no power to stop me either and you know it very well. Don't you ?" the younger said, looking up to his elder, still seated on the floor.

Jungkook smirked at Jimin's reaction.

Jimin clenched his jaw hard and looked away, in surrender. He knew Jungkook was right.

"Get away from her. Stop trying to ruin everything. Leave her alone, leave us alone."

"You know very I can't so stop acting ignorant and accept it, I'm hooked. She is...damn right she is--"

Jimin kneeled down fastly and grabbed Jungkook's collar tightly, ready to shut him up

"Shut the fuck up. She is mine. Stop trying to interfere or I'll fucking rip you apart." Jimin threatened Jungkook, his eyes became so dark you could swear it was another Jimin.

He was, different.

The two looked at each other for what seemed like ages before once again, the younger let a evil smirk tug his lips upward before he spat,

"I think saying she's ours is rather correct, to be exact." Jungkook said, calmly teasing and playing as he knew his words would set Jimin even more on fire.

"After all, we both had her right? Aghh, I remember, she tastes so....

Sweet." he whispered the last word in Jimin's ear.

Jimin closed his eyes in attempt to contain all this anger that boiling inside of his gut and itching to come out, but he failed.

His grip on Jungkook's collar got tighter and he slammed the later back onto the tree with force which cause him to groan in pain.

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