Now Scream

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A/N : strong mature content, mention of rape...please if you are offended are not comfortable don't read and gladly wait for next update.

You nearly choked on your food as you heard the latter's words. You were surely surprised by his words,

but what shocked you the most was the instant change in his eyes.

Jimin was a tough, young man. He had his issues, his demons. He never asked for anything to anyone. In fact, he was struggling with himself.

He wanted to accept himself, to love himself.

However, the same question lingered in his tormented mind

"How can I reach happiness when I went through so much"

He felt horrible.



When he saw your crunched up, and shaking form earlier, he couldn't help but the feel the sudden need of taking you into his embrace and never let you go.

Because, at the end of the day, it's all he ever wanted.

So yes, in fact, he did ever ask for one thing

Always be with you.

Jimin continued to refuse himself that, even though you were right there, in front of him, vulnerable and fragile. Fear plastered all over your face.

He could take you right there, use it to his advantage, but he could not manage too.

Not again.

Not after what they did.

Not this time.


Jimin ?" Phoebe asked snapping her fingers in front of the guy's face

"hmm" he did, coming back to reality

" were, spacing out"

she let out a slight chuckle, which Jimin did not faint to hear.

He looked at her tenderly, eyes never leaving her face.

"Oh my....Are you perhaps..getting soft Park Jimin ?" Phoebe asked, completely oblivious to the amount of feelings and emotions battling inside Jimin's head.

He scoffed

"pffff me ? Never. I like you, cause you're not that bad of a nuisance. Just so you know. Don't misunderstand me here" he replied unbothered and trying to hide his true intentions as much as he could.

Phoebe was not really convinced by the guy sitting across her at the table, yet she did not want to ruin the moment even more and shrugged her unanswered questions off.

Her eyes wandered around the messy dorm, and landed on his scarf.

A scarf that she originally found banal, plain and boring not that she ever said it to Taehyung though.

That scarf that she would now cherish as if the only precious belonging she owned.

She stood up from the table and walked towards the piece of cloth on the floor. She grabbed it and brought it close to her nose, to catch his scent. That soft yet charming citrus scent Taehyung always had.

Which brought serenity to her each time it enveloped her.


You were sitting legs crossed on your bed, still holding onto the scarf.

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