Burning Up [Fire]

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A/N : *it's a crazy ride babes, ending soon ehehhe @elxsam this one's for youuu :)



It had been two hours or so that were locked in the bathroom, silently shedding tears, feeling your whole face swell up.

You had turned off the water and you were sitting drenched, in the bathtub, crying in great silence.

You were cold and yet you could feel your tears burning your cheeks, leaving a trail of fire on your skin.

Jimin is still on the other side of the door, waiting for you to open it and accepting him inside.

He is thoroughly mad at himself. His head spinning heavily from the still present hangover, let alone the fact that he yelled at you like he never did before.

Jimin sighs heavily and feels the tears gather at the rim of his eyes. He knows he fucked up, he hurt you, when he promised himself and to you as well to never do.

He said he'll always be here for you and protect you but yet again he failed.

Jimins growls under his breath and his sobs as he knocks once again on the bathroom door, hoping for a response from you.

But no.

Understandable though.

After some minutes of remaining waiting, Jimin can hear the the door unlocking and he sits up from his slouched position to greet you once you get out.

once you finally open the door frankly and harshly, Jimin sees how red and puffy your face looks and how you red locks of hair are all clamped together due to being drenched.

You don't even spare him a glance and push past him, completely brushing him off and avoiding him.

You were upset, angry and you needed time to yourself. You wanted to be left alone.

You want to be alone to be able to think properly, but a sobbing Jimin knocking every two minutes on the door in order to get a reaction from you bothers you, so you take things in hand and decide to leave for a moment.

You clothes completely wet as well as your whole frame, you walk up towards your dresser to get fresh dry clothes, as well as new undergarments. You hear Jimin's rushed steps behind you, like he is trotting following your every move.

"Phoebe ba--" Jimin starts trying to get a soft hold of you but you brush his hands off without a word and push past him again.

His eyebrows furrow and he finds himself following behind you fastly until he meets the bathroom door shut to his face once again, right before hearing a locking sound.

In the bathroom you get ready, remove your previous clothes and throw them wherever in the room, wanting to get rid of them as fast as possible to erase the memory.

You dry your hair, and throw on your a new pair of pants and a shirt.

You sigh and look at yourself in the mirror. You roll your eyes in annoyance hearing Jimin calling for you outside, and slap your cheeks lightly to boost you up.

Once you unlock the door and are about to leave the bathroom, Jimin plants himself in front of you, trapping you between the doorframe and his body.

You can't deny the obvious pain visible in his dark chocolates, but you don't care at that point.

You're just sick of all this.

"Move." you order him, completely unfazed and daring him

"Baby please j-just list--" he starts but you instantly cut him off,

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