Horny Bunny, My Kookie

469 13 3

A/N : slight mature content. Warning. Also, this chapter is dedicated to precious @elinaxsamiete hope you enjoy the ride bby !

Just when he finished undoing his belt, he positioned himself between your shaking legs and pressed on a little.

You felt his tip nibbling at your entrance. You had given up already.

Your tears were falling silently, no sound would come out of your dry throat.

You just accepted your fate, you were lifeless again.

These days, your entire body felt numb, dead, empty.

You just felt a great void inside of you, making you nauseous and wanting to rip your insides out.

Jungkook brought his lips to yours and kissed you like there was no tomorrow, one of his hands on your bruised neck.

You did not answer to his kiss,

His lips were moving without response against yours, for what felt like eternity before he finally stopped and rested his hot forehead on yours

You felt his warm breath on your face, smelling like whisky.

You did not know what would happen then

he broke the awkward silence and whispered

"Shit Phoebe, s-shit I'm...

I just want you Phoebe, can't you feel me ?"

You were afraid to open your eyes but you did anyway and you saw Jungkook with his eyes shut, mumbling to himself, still in the same position.

He seemed confused.

Whether or not he just forced himself onto you, you could not manage to hate him.

You grew fond of the bunny like guy even though this side of him scared you more than anything and he was about to rape you,

You decided to shrug it off for now. Your mind was too full and busy anyways.

"I-I'm so sorry..I lost myself.

I want you, I want you so much Phoebe but you don't seem to get it" he was still whispering, nuzzling his nose against yours.

He was rough and reckless minutes ago and he just dropped the attitude.

He stood back and pulled his underwear and jeans back on.

He sat on the edge of your bed, and you just observed him, still petrified and lying down.

Your eyes were tired and you saw his shoulders go up and down as his back was facing you.

For an unknown reason you got up and crawled over him lacing your arms around his tiny waist, hugging him from behind.

Everyone has their demons,

"He has his demons" Taehyung had told you regarding Jimin and his cold behaviour.

You started rocking your bodies gently from side to side and hummed a subtle melody.

You felt his body relaxing in your arms and you quickly maneuvered to find yourself sitting on his lap, in your underwear.

You did not really care at this point.

Until that day, Jungkook had always shown great affection and care to you, unable to throw away all the happy and giggly memories you shared with him because of this misfortune, you just wanted to return the affection and make him understand you forgave him.

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