Mute Dogs

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The following days were quite chill, no problems, no arguments, no bashing...or at least that's what I thought.

One day as I was getting back inside campus from the garden, I eavesdropped a little and caught Taehyung, towered by two shadows : Jimin and Jungkook.

They seemed as they were having a pretty serious conversation, which I could not actually hear anything of, but still, the stern and frustrated look Taehyung had on his face said everything.

Talking about Taehyung, I felt like he was avoiding me. Ignoring me.

Just like he was running away from me.

But why ? I constantly asked myself.

I was not mad at him whatsoever, so I really did not get the whole point of his little play. I missed him.

It seemed like what happened in the park a few days before iced his blood and made him decide to not keep in touch with me.

Was I the problem here ?

I miss you so much Taehyung...

I have to admit that although our relationship was quite special, he held a very special place in my heart. Taehyung was genuinely nice, kind-hearted, warm and affectionate.

But again, you only ever know that you don't know that much.

The dance project was finally due and we did our presentation as planned. Everything went well. While we were performing in front of the tutors, the boys were waiting for us outside, as we were the last ones to pass.

Minji was keeping her distance, and...well Tania was...Tania.

We never really liked each other anyways, not that much difference was made.

The moment we stood out the studio, Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and Hobi were there, planted next to the door.

Tania just ran towards Jungkook and hugged him like never, that made me chuckle a little bit.

I had no one to run to and hug.

Taehyung was there, but the way he behaved recently made it pretty clear that something was off between us and I simply did not want to cause any more drama so I just let it be.

Hobi was all happy and excited because Jia was coming back from the hospital that day.

The amount of joy sprawled on his face made me feel warm, I liked him so much. Such a nice human being.

My perception of life drastically changed after the accident, and I saw life totally differently.

I took a great amount of pleasure in seeing people happy.

Probably because I, deep inside, was not happy.

We walked towards the dorms, as we were preparing a little something for Jia's return on campus.

Even a squirrel could feel the tremendous amount of tension in the air, as Taehyung did not even dare to spare me a look, Jimin being the usual jerk and he was honestly pissing me off.

This guy was a total creep and a lunatic and I could not be bothered anymore.

So we all walked through the long hallways, silence eating us up.

Except for Hobi who had a large grin the whole time.

Guilt was eating me up.

Eating me entirely, slowly making its way to my already fragile and broken heart.

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