Blossom Kiss

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The next morning I woke up casually. I stood up, went to the bathroom and as I was about to pass the door, I turned around to see that indeed Minji had not came back from wherever she was.

Although I was angry at her and all, I started to worry a bit.

Because Minji wasn't actually mean,

She was just


Anyways, I sighed and planted my lazy morning self in front of the mirror above the sink.

Let me tell you, it wasn't pretty.

My under eyes were puffy as hell, little potato bags were now apparent and they almost looked closed.

I'm a mess. I thought. Honestly it was true, I looked miserable. Too much happened the day before for my body to be handling it well.

I was genuinely so happy and excited for Jia and Hobi though. Gosh, so amazing...

I actually never really asked myself the question or really just thought about my future life, as a woman, especially after what happened to me. I was still young, that's for sure. But witnessing Jia, experiencing it so early kinda intrigued me.

I brushed my teeth, splashed cold water against my tired and pale skin to wake me up more.

I took a good morning shower, did my makeup, my hair and got back to my space to choose my outfit for the day.

I was feeling extra today, and wanted to look well put together. To show that what had happened the day before had not left any mark on me, even though it did.

Jia being at the hospital, pregnant.

Minji kissing me in front of everyone.

Confronting Minji.

Everyone asking questions about Taehyung and I.

Jungkook taking me in his fit arms and calming me down.

Jimin being...


It was still pretty early and I had free time.

There was a really cute bakery on campus, so I took my legs and decided to treat myself a tasty breakfast.

I bought a croissant and a glass of freshly made orange juice.

For the first time, I went to the garden of the campus. It was rumoured to be beautiful, well kept and a safe & sound place.

I just wanted to relax a bit. Take my mind, heavy mind off things before the busy day starts.

I sat on a bench, the garden was empty.

I was alone.

The sky was clear, the day bright, the air fresh and the smell of freshly cut grass filled my nostrils.

I began eating my breakfast, enjoying the view.

Truly magnificent.

I could see some tiny flowers bright in colors, some more pale, fading, dying.

The leaves were curled, some straight. The trees and bushed were all shaped square.

I loved the concept of topiary, it fascinated me how you could use nature to create even more nature.

It was a bit chilly outside that day. Nice.

I was gonna take the next bite of my almost finished croissant as two hands placed themselves on my shoulders. Like the owner of these hands was going to give me a much needed massage.

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