"Where are you right now?" he asks after I don't say anything, "Kenzie's" I mumble and he hangs up. My jaw drops as I stare at my blank screen, did he JUST HANG UP ON ME ?! 

"He just hung up on me" I tell Kenzie still surprised, "well, you did tell him you were with me so I'm guessing he's on his way here."

 "But it's raining" I point out and she rolls her eyes.

"So ? That boy is crazy in love with you he'll do anyth-" the door bell rings cutting her off and she gives me a knowing look. She unlocks the door slowly and I push her aside knowing it's pouring outside opening the door quickly while she stares at me smirking.

"Marley Arona Johnson I'm absolutely in love with you and I can't leave you knowing you're mad at me" he says shivering, I stare at him in shock. I quickly pull him in shutting the door, Kenzie runs to get blankets and I switch off the AC in the room while she hands him the blankets.

I pull him with me to the guest room, I unbutton his blue flannel quickly and he slips out of it. He pulls down his jeans and he's about to pull off his boxers when I usher him into the bathroom to the tub of hot water.

I can't believe he stood in the rain just to come apologize to me.

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