Klaus was completely trembling, filled with fear of losing the love of his life.

Klaus was completely trembling, filled with fear of losing the love of his life

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"Nik..." Caroline whispered.

"Are you okay? You're okay. You're okay." Klaus whispered and hugged her tightly.

"Nik..." Caroline whispered, not being able to explain how afraid she was of dying without telling him how much she loved him.

"I'm here. And you're here."

"I love you so much, Nik. I was so afraid of not seeing you again." Caroline whispered in tears and Klaus kept hugging her tightly also in tears.

"I love you so much, Caroline Forbes. You're my mate." Klaus whispered and kissed Caroline with everything he had.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your moment but by any time now, this Aurora girl might wake up." Ansel said.

"What are we going to do with her?" Caroline asked.

"I might have an idea." Klaus said with a smirk and so they went to the Quarter with an unconscious Aurora.

"Nik!" Rebekah yelled and hugged Klaus once he got back to the Quarter.

"Why didn't you just killed her?" Kol asked and so Klaus explained Aurora's plan, then he told everyone what he was planning on do to Aurora.


Klaus was in the dungeon of the Quarter while putting bricks to let Aurora stuck in the wall.

"Welcome back to the real world! I thought we might revisit our chat about what hurts some, what does not." Klaus said and Aurora tried to leave but there was an invisible barrier stopping her. "Courtesy of the Bennett witch."

"What are you doing?" Aurora asked.

"You've made me realize what a monster I've been and I'm sorry that I didn't do this sooner." Klaus said and started to put bricks in front of Aurora.

"You can't just leave me here!"

"Behind the walls is where you belong."

"Just kill me. Please, Nik, just kill me."


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"No. I think not. Not when the only one who loves you is rotting at the bottom of the ocean. I wouldn't grant you the mercy. So while the fish eat him, the worms will eat you. Just know, it was I who took everything from you." Klaus said and kept putting the bricks until Aurora would be completely behind the brick wall.


Klaus was now in the living room with his siblings, Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, Ansel, Liz, Katherine, Damon, Marcel, Davina and Danny, enjoying being back and no longer having to worry about Aurora nor Lucien nor Tristan.

"Klaus, don't you think it's awful to put Aurora behind a brick wall in the place where lives your family?" Elena asked, not used to see that kind of punishment.

"She deserved it. She wanted to kill me, she wanted to hurt Caroline. Besides, she was an easy target to the shadow. This way she will be weak and will stay behind the brick wall for all eternity, paying for all the pain she caused."

"Why is Tristan in the bottom of the ocean? Couldn't you just kill him?" Bonnie asked.

"I could. But that way would make me merciful to Aurora. She put the one I loved most in the bottom of the ocean, it was time for her to pay."

"You know... Gandhi once said: An eye for an eye will only make the world blind." Elena said, making Elijah smirk of pride.

"You know, since you two started dating it's been a torment to us. Now we have two people lecturing us about what's right and wrong." Kol said and Elena shrugged as Elijah wrapped his arm around her.

"What about Lucien?" Liz asked.

"I compelled him to forget about Aurora, Tristan and our family. I made him think that he spend his life partying and that from now on he would try to be a good vampire and try to have a nice life and maybe find a woman for him." Klaus said and everyone looked at him, finding very odd Klaus wanting Lucien to be a good vampire. "Caroline made me compel him the last part."

"It's only right. I mean, he told us where Nik was... and he also suffered a lot by having Aurora playing with his feelings." Caroline said.

"You're too good, My Queen." Klaus said and kissed Caroline.

"Ewww! Get a room!" Rebekah said with a disgusted face.

"Elijah make them stop." Kol said and when looked at Elijah, he saw Elijah kissing Elena. "Elijah! You're the one who suppose to give the example."

"What? Sorry. Elena and I were... talking about... literature."

"You were using your tongue but wasn't for talking." Kol said and Elijah gave him a look.

AN: Hey guys! What are you thinking so far? Did you like to see Caroline saving Klaus? Aurora, Tristan and Lucien seem to no longer be a problem. What do you think about it?

🚨 Spoiler Alert 🚨
Next chapter will be a pause in all the drama and action and all those stuff that has been going on...

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