"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I would fall asleep?" Stefan asked and Rebekah smiled and kissed him.

Stefan and Rebekah quickly left to go to the movies because Rebekah loved the idea of doing something so ordinary, even more now that they were in the middle of so much supernatural drama

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Stefan and Rebekah quickly left to go to the movies because Rebekah loved the idea of doing something so ordinary, even more now that they were in the middle of so much supernatural drama.


Kol went to his room, where he saw Bonnie looking at books and trying to find more clues about what to do next with the information they had.

"Hello, my beautiful witch!" Kol whispered and gave a peck on Bonnie's shoulder, seating next to her on the bed.

"Hey, Kol! I still didn't find anything else about this creature." Bonnie said, hating not knowing how to defeat the creature that was already tormenting them and was still nowhere to be seen.

"Can you see that later? I wanted to tell you something." Kol said softly, making Bonnie look at Kol and give him her full attention.

"What is it?"

"I have something for you. Close your eyes and give me your hands."

"The last time you said that it didn't work very well for you." Bonnie said.

"It's not my amazing package." Kol reassured Bonnie but she still didn't close her eyes. "I guess you can stay with your eyes open. I want you to always have this on. I want you to go to shower with this, to go sleep with this, to go eat with this..."

"Just show me." Bonnie said now excited, then Kol showed her a box and open it, revealing a ring. "Is that...?"

"Yes. It's a ring that can make you come back from the dead if it's a supernatural creature who kills you."

"That drove Alaric crazy! I can't wear that. Besides I'm a witch, it wouldn't work on me."

"It would. This was made for witches. It was made for you."

"Even if it works. If I die one too many times, I'll go crazy and it will make me hurt people I care about... It will make me hurt my friends and you... I can't."

"Bonnie, please. I need you to wear this ring. I love you and I can't lose you. I'm okay with dying but I'm not okay with you dying."

"How can you be okay with dying?" Bonnie asked upset with his statement.

"Because I've lived for a thousand years and even if I spend big part of it stuck in a box or even if I was an awful person, I ended up meeting you and having you in my life, made me not only in a better person but also made me enjoy life and feel true love, something I never have felt. I always felt something missing and now I know it was you. If I die, I die knowing I had loved someone and was loved back. I die happy. But if you die... it will be the end of me... I won't be able to recover from that."

"Oh my God! You can be so selfish, Kol!" Bonnie yelled angry and throw a pillow to his face, then got up to leave but Kol stopped her.

"I just want what's best for you."

"No! You don't want me to die because you don't want to lose me but you are okay with letting yourself die. You know how many people I lost over the years, you know how much I've suffered... I get that you lived for a thousand years and all that but what about me? If you die, I will still be here, with one more person to go visit when I go to the cemetery. I've lost so many people. You made me see it wasn't all bad and that there was a chance for me to be happy and now you are saying you are okay with dying? I understand that you are okay but it's selfish! What about me? I love you. I never thought of becoming a vampire until I got to know you. I want to spend my life with you and not with a stone that has your name in it. I ca-I can't lose you. Please..." Bonnie cried and Kol hugged her tightly as she cried on his shoulder, afraid of losing him.

"I'm right here. I'll do everything I can to be safe but you need to wear the ring." Kol whispered and Bonnie nodded, making him put the ring on her finger and hug her tightly again.

"I just..."

"I know..." Kol whispered and kissed her with everything he had. "You're my soulmate."


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