This was one of my favorite parts about mine and El's dates.

The bike ride.

I loved the feeling of having her so close to me. The warmth of her arms wrapped tightly around my torso. The way I could feel her little, warm breaths fan against my neck, sending chills up my spine.

El looked absolutely beautiful tonight. Not that she didn't look beautiful other nights because trust me, El Hopper always looked beautiful.

But something about the light pink sweater she was wearing tonight. It was just so El, pretty and soft. It reminded me of the pink dress the boys and I once put her into a couple years ago.

She was beautiful then, and she's even more beautiful now.

Don't even get started on the lipgloss she was wearing. It made her pink and plump lips look even more enticing. Especially when she lightly bit her bottom lip between her teeth. What I would give to kiss those lips right now.

El didn't need makeup. She was beautiful with or without it, but I'm happy as long as she's happy.

When we finally reached the arcade, El lifted her head off of my back. She let out a small gasp as she realized where we were. I parked my bike at the rack, offering my hand to help El off of the bike.

"Milady." I said as I held my hand out, bowing to add to the effect. She let out a giggle as she gently took my hand. "You're such a dork." she said as she lightly shook her head, stepping off of the bike.

"You love it." I said with a smirk as I wrapped my arms lightly around her waist. "I do." she said as her face came nearer to mine. I could feel the presence of her lips close to mine as I slowly closed my eyes.

Our lips were about to connect when—

"Let's go!" El said excitedly as she pulled away, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the entrance of the building.

"Tease." I muttered under my breath. She let out a laugh at that and we continued walking to the door.

When we came to face the door, me being the gentleman that I was raised to be, I opened the door for El. She stepped through the door whispering, "What a gentleman!" as she gave me a teasing stare.

"Yeah, yeah." I said as I intertwined her small hand with my larger one.

We spent the first half an hour getting food from the snack bar and me showing El some of the classic games like Dragon's Lair.

"Okay so this one is called Dragon's Lair. The goal is to save the princess." I explain.

"Could you help me?" she asks as she looks up to me.

"Sure." I reply.

I stood behind her so I could show her the controls and where to place her hands.

"So you want to place your hands here." I said as I moved her hands to grasp the controls.

After a bit of playing, with my help, I started to pull away.

"Well, looks like you've got it now." I said as I tried to pull away, but I couldn't.

I was stuck.

After noticing the small smirk on El's face, I finally realized what was going on.

El was holding me in place with her powers. She was getting stronger and she could use them more easily now.

Recently El had been a little extra flirty, and I'm not complaining. I loved this teasing side of El. It was something new and how could I complain about her touching me more? Giving me more kisses? I couldn't!

After eating our food I lead the way to Dig Dug.

"What's this one?" she said as she stared at the machine in awe. "This is Dig Dug. Max holds the top score, but I've always wanted to be able to beat it." I explain.

"Well, why don't you try? I'd love to see you play." she said with an encouraging smile. "Oh. Um, yeah. Sure." I said as I walked up to the machine.

After playing for a bit, and still not beating Max's high score, I pulled away with a sigh. "See, I can't beat it." I said as I turned to face El.

"Could I try?" she asks a bit hesitantly. "Sure." I said before I showed her the controls and how the game worked. "Okay, you're all set." I said as I moved to stand beside her.

After El playing the game, surprisingly well, her score was really high.

She beat the high score on Dig Dug.

I turned to face her, completely shocked with what just happened. "Did you just—Oh my god you just—You beat the high score!" I said as I stared at her with widened eyes. I was amazed, almost giddy.

She has the biggest smile on her face, teeth and all. With a rosy blush on her cheeks, crawling up to her button nose.

How am I lucky enough to have such an amazing and beautiful girlfriend? A girlfriend that can beat the high score on Dig Dug?!

Next thing I knew, I was wrapping her up in my arms. Lifting her slightly off of the ground as I spun us around in a circle. She let out the cutest giggle, before I placed her back down.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I ask as I stare into her honey brown eyes admiringly.

"I don't know, maybe you should remind me." she said coyly as she wrapped her arms more tightly around my neck.

I stared at her in shock, a little surprised at the words coming out of her mouth. But I wasn't complaining. I could go on about how much I love El for the rest of my life.

"I love you so much. You are the most beautiful and pretty and gorgeous girl I've ever seen. I love your curly hair that makes you look even cuter and that little button nose of yours that I can nuzzle against mine. I love your gorgeous brown eyes that when the sun hits them just right, you can see the gold specks in them. I love your cuddles and all of your kisses. I love your pink and soft lips that I'm pretty sure I could kiss all day. I love your little giggles and how you sometimes let out little snorts. I love how kind and caring you are and how you love your friends and family so much. God, I love everything about you and I can't believe you beat the high score on Dig Dug because that's just makes you even more amazi—"

My ramble was silenced as El was pressing her lips to mine.

After a moment of surprise, I started to kiss back. I love the feeling of her soft lips against my slightly chapped ones.

She moves one hand to hold the side of my face gently, letting her thumb brush softly against my cheekbone.

I completely melted into the kiss as I let out a lovesick sigh through my nose.

We kissed for a few more seconds before pulling away slowly, letting the kiss linger.

El rested her forehead against mine as she continued to caress the side of my face. I drew small circles on her hips with my fingertips, never wanting this moment to end.

I have the best girlfriend.

word count: 2467
a/n: once again, sorry this was a day late but I will be back to updating on tuesdays next week! I hope you enjoyed this oneshot because it's my favorite I've ever written. I hope you guys enjoyed and thank you so much for reading! please vote for this book!

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