Season 4, Episode 1 - The New Kids (The New Rachel Redone)

Start from the beginning

Cut to Rachel watching the video on Jacob Ben Isarel's website. "It's nice to know I'm missed. New York can make a girl feel lonely. I miss my dads," Rachel said in a voice over as she picked up a picture of Finn "I miss Finn. I haven't heard from him in two months. Maybe he's just trying to give me the space I need to make it on my own. Surrender, right? I'm sure that's it," Rachel said in a voice over as she lays on her bed looking at Finn's picture as there is noise of a woman laughing in the background "My roommate seems nice. Well, I haven't officially met her. She's usually busy with company, but she sounds nice," Rachel said in a voice over as we cut to a silhouette of a girl with a guy as they're making out as Rachel pulls her pillow over her ears, knowing what's going to come next.

Cut to the co-ed bathroom as Rachel is walking into it. "Even though Kurt and I both made it into NYADA we're on such opposite schedules that we hardly see each other. That has to be one of the hardest things about this new beginning. "The co-ed bathrooms take some getting used to. I got tired of everyone's opinion of my extensive nighttime ritual, so I started showering at 3:00 in the morning when no one else is around," Rachel said in a voice over as she got herself set up to shower once again at 3AM when she hears a male voice singing 'Sister Christian' in the shower, surprising her.

Rachel listened stunned by the voice as the guy walked out of the shower, smiling at her as he wrapped himself in a towel. Rachel quickly went back to her stuff hoping he didn't notice her looking at him for too long. "Hey. You're a freshman, right?" The guy asked as Rachel looked at him. "Yeah, I'm Rachel Berry. I'm majoring in musical theater," Rachel said. "Me, too," the guy said as Rachel looked up at him intrigued. "Brody Weston. I'm a junior," Brody said introducing himself. "Hi," Rachel smiled a bit. "Well, you survived your first class with Cassie, so you must be good," Brody said. "Is she, uh, always that awful?" Rachel asked as Brody chuckled. "Yeah, she's tough. But I wouldn't have gotten that chorus gig in the revival of Working last summer if she didn't push me so hard." "You were on Broadway?" Rachel asked impressed. "Steel Worker Number Three," Brody bowed "Show lasted for, like, three performances, but still I like to come in here at night, too. People give me a hard time about my moisturizing ritual." "Me, too," Rachel said in a surprised tone, could this guy be any more perfect? "We're actors, right? Our skin is like our paintbrush and our canvas," Brody said. "Actually, I'm not really sleeping much, lately. Not a lot of city noise in Lima, Ohio. I just think everything takes a little getting used to, but yeah" Rachel said honestly. "You'll be fine," Brody told Rachel seriously "Just remember, you're here because you're the best of the best. Start believing that." Rachel nodded feeling grateful for Brody's words of wisdom as he turned to leave he turned back around to face Rachel "Oh, and, in case you were wondering which you were I'm straight." Rachel looked stunned, did he read her mind? This chance encounter with Brody really had her thinking even though she and Finn weren't officially together anymore she couldn't help but feel guilty about possibly falling for another guy.

Cut to Rachel walking through New York as she's on the phone with Kurt. "So he was wearing a towel that was barely covering his tinkle tube, and he's straight? Hot," Kurt smirked "Do you like him?" "No, you know I'll always love Finn," Rachel frowned before adding "Oh, and I love you, I miss you like crazy," "Oh, is that why you're calling me every three hours?" Kurt said sarcastically. "Well, I just want to make sure that you're okay," Rachel said as she added "I'm great, I love it here. My dance teacher worships me. But how are you? Are you okay?" "I'm keeping busy," Kurt shrugged honestly. "Where are you right now?" Rachel asked narrowing her eyes as Kurt smirked. "Look behind you," Kurt said as Rachel rushed over to him hugging him tightly. "I've missed you," she said honestly. "Likewise. As much as I thought a break from you and your crazy would do me some good, I strangely missed it," Kurt said as Rachel giggled. "Well I am so happy to see you too," Rachel smiled as Kurt's phone went off as he looked at it. "I have to take this. But we must catch up," Kurt said as Rachel nodded as Kurt walked off, leaving Rachel alone with her thoughts.

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