Chapter 14- The Untold Part I

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Wanted-The Dark Kingdom

Chapter 14: The Untold Part I

A wind from the North blows,

bringing with it those who lie below.

With them, spreads the infection,

to what may be the darkest connection.

A crown forged from the tears of good and bad,

will choose the king whose army stands.

The light leads and the dark follows,

to the first jewel of the girl who borrowed

Then, the dark leads and the light follows,

to the second jewel of a man's true horror

A king shall be crowned where the first king stepped,

putting an end to their world's unrest.


I hate the darkness, because I simply don't understand it. I hate the light, because I don't trust it. I hate it all. I just want a balance to exist. I just want peace on both sides.

Annabeth Chase's diary, page 84


Thankfully, the Athena cabin was located far away from the chaos that raged in the camp.

Besides the crackling of fire from the fireplace that filled the cabin with warmth and the continuous rustling and flipping of pages and scrolls, they were in a place of peace and silence.

Hazel knew better than to fall into the trap. The trap of temporary peace and silence. Nevertheless, she couldn't stop thinking of the possibility of having a life like she did before.

A life where she would wake up in a camp she could call home. A life where she could see all her friends happy together. A life where Jason's and Piper's relationship was never ruined and a life where Percy was maybe a part of. The Athena cabin, because it was left untouched, reminded her of her old life.

If only Annabeth was here to see her cabin again. The home she had been living in ever since she was seven years old. Hazel had promised herself to save her Annabeth. It was the next step in her big plan. She only prayed the others would agree to come with her.

"Hazel!" Frank said, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Hazel looked up from the book she had in her lap, only to find all her friends starring at her, with worry in her eyes. "I've been trying to get your attention for almost five minutes, you okay?" Frank asked.

Hazel nodded, embarrassed that she let her thoughts and hopes carry her away. "Yeah. I just zoned out for a bit. Did you guys find anything yet?" She asked, trying to stray the subject away from her daydreaming.

They all shook their heads at once, disappointment on their faces but hope still lingered there, Hazel had to count on it.

"Al right," Hazel said standing up from the arm chair she was sitting in. She made her way to the huge table situated in the middle of the cabin. "Let's do this right." She said glancing at every single one of them. "The prophecy mentions a crown. A crown of evil. Our best shot is searching for anything that links to it."

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