Chapter 40- The Kings of Darkness

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Wanted- The Dark Kingdom

Chapter 40- The Kings of Darkness

A wind from the North blows,

bringing with it those who lie below.

With them, spreads the infection,

to what may be the darkest connection.

A crown forged from the tears of good and bad,

will choose the king whose army stands.

The light leads and the dark follows,

to the first jewel of the girl who borrowed

Then, the dark leads and the light follows,

to the second jewel of a man's true horror

A king shall be crowned where the first king stepped,

putting an end to their world's unrest.


The Island of Blood was situated in an area constantly plagued by storms. These storms had one purpose, and it was to keep unwanted visitors away from the island. These unwelcomed visitors were of course, mortals. Because besides mortals, anyone could find the island. The island's system, how it pushed mortals away but allowed non-mortals to be able to sail through its storms, remained to be a question that was unsolved.

Maybe a god had blessed it a long time ago? Maybe a demigod with powers like never seen before? No one knew. But every non-mortal who knew about the island's existence knew that the island could be found by them. Especially demigods.

Many had no desire to ever find it or step foot in it. But many others had once had an undying desire to find it. To live in it. To be safe in it. Until the Olympians stepped in and turned what was once a haven for Dark demigods to a prison.

And yet, that so-called prison was still loved and cherished by them. To the eyes of a mortal or a stranger, it was a bizarre land. What is usually a green lush jungle expected to be on an island was instead a tangle of ancient and enormous green and red trees that towered high above the ground. The unnatural red trees, with red trunks and red leaves gave the island its name. The Island of Blood. Some dark demigods said that the red trees appeared when the Olympians cast their curse, trapping the island's inhabitants in. Other dark demigods believed that the island had always had red trees, even before the curse. No one knew. No one really cared to know.

And on the ground, below the towering trees, the jungle was a never ending maze of thick trees and plants. All kinds of animals and creatures straight from mythology wandered through it.

But just like any jungle filled with life, it was beautiful. Beautiful to many. And loved greatly. It represented the feeling of home and safety to so many dark demigods once. And it still did. The camp that served as the home to the demigods and the vast and ancient black castle that rose above its camp, its other half above a cliff on one side of the island, was home to the island's rulers. The castle served as a beacon of strength and courage. A symbol of hope and resistance.

The jungle. The camp. The castle. The Island of Blood. A place loved fiercely by the dark demigods.

And a place, Jason Grace intended to completely destroy.

Wanted: The Dark Kingdom (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now